1, equipment is different:
Semi-femtosecond surgical steps are divided into two key steps: the first step by the femtosecond laser to create a corneal flap, and the second step of the excimer laser ablation of corneal flap. The surgery is done on two machines, a femtosecond laser device and an excimer laser device, which are different and have different functions.
Full femtosecond myopia surgery requires only one device to complete the entire surgical procedure, and no longer requires the use of other instruments and equipment.
2, postoperative stability is different:
Femtosecond laser surgery is mainly through the femtosecond laser to make corneal flap, excimer laser ablation of the corneal stroma layer in order to achieve the change of the corneal refractive index, so as to correct the refractive myopia.
Total femtosecond laser surgery is mainly through the femtosecond laser in the corneal stroma layer to create corneal microlens, the surgeon just remove the lens, the operation is complete, the whole cornea biomechanics more stable.
3, the incision is different, the recovery time is different
Half-femtosecond laser surgery needs to make a corneal flap, and lift the flap to ablate the corneal stroma. Therefore the femtosecond laser is created with a corneal limbal incision of about 20mm.
The full femtosecond laser procedure requires only a 2-4mm incision to ensure that the surgeon can remove the microlens.
But it's important to note that both hemi-femtosecond and full-femtosecond are keratoconus surgeries, in which the radius of curvature of the cornea is altered by cutting into the corneal stroma in order to correct the refractive error.
So a prerequisite for this type of surgery is that the cornea thickness must meet certain requirements, and ICL implantation is more recommended for people whose corneas are too thin.
In the end, no matter which myopic surgery option you choose, the most important thing is to go for a pre-operative checkup first, and your doctor will work out a suitable surgery plan for you based on your eye conditions.