Scopis uses HoloLens to create a medical surgical guide assistance system

Just as the Institute of Advanced Life Sciences at Tokyo Women's Medical University utilized IntelRealSense, Unite Conference System and other technologies to create the "God's Hands" Medical 4.0 Surgical System, Scopis, which has previously used Augmented Reality and Mixed Reality technologies in a wide range of surgical procedures, has further leveraged Microsoft's HoloLens to create a brand-new knife-guiding assistance model.

Scopis is also using Microsoft's HoloLens to create a new way to navigate the knife.

With HoloLens, Scopis has created an assist system that allows the surgeon in the operating room to use virtual images to confirm the position of the incision, the cause of the disease, and to assist in confirming the speed and angle of the incision.

And similar applications, previously in addition to the Tokyo Women's Medical University Institute of Advanced Life Sciences and Intel technology cooperation, RealSense, Unite conferencing systems and other technical resources applied to the medical 4.0 surgical system, so that the surgeon can be RealSense technology and light system to determine whether the scalpel position is correct. In addition, more and more HTCVIVE and other virtual reality devices are being used to simulate the surgical process, so that before the execution of the complexity of the surgical project, the virtual reality, pre-input data to determine the way to perform the knife and the risks that may be faced.

However, because these surgical applications are still in the testing and experimentation phase, they have not yet been actually applied to human healthcare, for example, the Medical 4.0 system created by the Institute of Advanced Life Sciences at Tokyo Women's Medical University is currently only used for animal therapy, and has not yet been approved for use in the human body for knife use. The new technology will also allow for a more intuitive and efficient use of virtual images to assist the surgeon in completing the surgery.

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