Connect the power supply of the electrical equipment to the output terminals of the instrument, note that the rated input voltage value of the electrical appliances should be the same as the output of the voltage regulator, do not connect the wrong.
First turn on the regulator's power switch, the work indicator light, observe the voltmeter indicator value is normal. When the output voltage is normal, then open the power switch of the power equipment, the voltage regulator can automatically adjust the voltage, normal power supply.
When the power equipment is not used for a long time, please turn off the power switch of the power equipment, in order to reduce power consumption and prolong the service life of the voltage regulator. The voltage regulator shall not be overloaded, when the utility voltage is low, the output capacity is reduced, and the load of the voltage regulator should be reduced accordingly.
Expanded Information:
Voltage regulators have large tens to thousands of watts of AC voltage regulators, are Supply large-scale experiments and industrial, medical equipment, the work of the power supply. There are also small AC voltage stabilizers of a few watts to a few kilowatts, which are used to provide high-quality power for small laboratories or household appliances.
Based on the different nature of the output of the regulator, the regulator is generally divided into two categories: AC voltage regulator (AC voltage regulator) and DC voltage regulator (DC voltage regulator). The following focuses on DC regulated power supply, referred to as voltage stabilized power supply.
Based on the operating state of the regulator, the regulated power supply is often divided into two categories: linear regulated power supply and switching regulated power supply. In addition, there is a small power supply that uses a voltage regulator.