How to write the technical deviation table in the bidding document?

The bidding equipment technical deviation table is very important content, but also the basis for technical evaluation. Such as certain equipment bidding documents, bid evaluation rules: no significant deviation from the bidding documents in line with the technical specifications and requirements of the full score, the technical parameters are better than the bidding documents, technical specifications and requirements, according to the importance of the principle of each article can be added points. If the technical parameters are lower than the technical specifications and requirements of the bidding documents, points will be deducted for each article according to the principle of importance. The purpose of submitting the bidding equipment technical deviation table, a list of procurement needs and tender documents and technical specifications do not meet the requirements of the article (deductions), the second is a list of technical parameters better than the technical specifications and requirements of the bidding documents (plus points).

Some bidders in the preparation of bidding documents, the bidding equipment technical deviation table purpose and purpose does not care about the filling of the equipment technical deviation table is very casual and sloppy, in order not to be deducted points, false, etc., there are mainly the following situations:

One is the bidding documents do not provide bidding for equipment technical deviation table.

The second is the absence of items in the deviation table, only fill in the positive deviation of the equipment, or do not fill in the specific content, only fill in the general "no deviation" or "in line with the bidding requirements" and so on.

Third, knowing that the technical specifications have deviation or negative deviation, in order not to be deducted points, fill in arbitrarily, so that some of the bidding response to the technical specifications of the equipment is actually "negative deviation", but fill in the "no deviation" or "positive deviation". Positive deviation".

Fourth, all copy the technical specifications of the bidding requirements, did not truthfully fill in the actual technical specifications of the bidding equipment.

Fifth, fill in the technical specifications of the equipment and the opening of the list or quotation details of the technical specifications of the equipment is inconsistent with the sample submitted by the bidders are not consistent with the technical specifications of the equipment labeled.

Fill in the bidding equipment technical deviation table note

Theoretically, the bidding equipment technical specifications have no deviation is best, so it is best to have no deviation, positive deviation or slight deviation, as far as possible, to meet the procurement needs of the bidding documents and technical requirements. But in fact, there is no deviation is not realistic, general bidding documents allow a certain range of positive and negative deviation, some bidding documents, bid evaluation methods also detailed provisions of the deviation of the deduction and marking rules, there are some bidding documents, technical specifications only allow positive deviation, negative deviation as a failure to respond to the rules of treatment. Therefore, the bidder must read the bidding documents in detail, must be submitted in accordance with the requirements of the bidding documents, complete, meet the requirements of the bidding equipment, technical deviation table, and pay attention to the following points:

One is to fill in truthfully, do not make a false statement.

Second, the left part of the bidding equipment technical deviation table is the bidding documents required technical specifications, the right part of the actual technical specifications of the bidding equipment, the rightmost part of the deviation description. The actual technical specifications of the bidding equipment should be based on the performance and technical specifications of the bidding equipment, the use of detailed numerical and textual descriptions, generally do not simply answer "meet / meet".

Third, the specifications of the bidding equipment, technical parameters and the requirements of the bidding documents, such as not entirely consistent, in the "whether there is a deviation" column fill in "yes", but also need to fill in the deviation description, and indicate whether it is "positive deviation It is also necessary to fill in a description of the deviation and indicate whether it is a "positive deviation" or a "negative deviation" and the magnitude of the deviation (expressed as a percentage). If it is a positive deviation or higher than the requirements, it should be filled in as "exceeding or better than the requirements of the tender specifications", and emphasize the superiority of such performance or provide a reasonable explanation for the deviation in the remarks. Description of the column should be fully utilized, if there is non-standard equipment equipment, and standard configuration or sample information inconsistent with the place must be made to explain. The most important thing is to make sure to express clearly, which content and the tender documents have differences, is deviating from or better than the tender specifications, but also must make a detailed explanation.

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