An analogy to the radiology department

The hospital radiology department has been compared to a doctor's eyes. To do ct examination, the patient only need to lie on the machine similar to the "time machine", not long, you can get ct film, ask the doctor to diagnose the disease. This "time machine", as if a pair of perspective eyes, so that the doctor on the disease to see clearly. So, exactly how these ct film is generated? The first time I've ever seen one of these, I've seen a lot of them, and I've seen a lot of them in my life.

"Penetrate" the body to pull out lesions

The Netherlands Philips direct digital imaging system double-plate dr, the United States ge direct digital imaging system Linglong dr-f, the German agfa company's computerized imaging system (cr), Japan's Shimadzu company flexavision type 1000ma digital gastrointestinal machine, Italy git intelligent mammography, hispeednx/i double row spiral ct, brightspeedelite 16 layer spiral ct, Germany Siemens somatomdefinitionas 64 rows of 128 layer channel spiral ct, the United States ge signahdxechospeed1.5t magnetic **** instrument, the Netherlands Philips alluraxperfd20 large plate dsa machine ...... these "high" machine, are the first people's hospital in Yongkang City, radiology department equipment. Radiology equipment. Ordinary people see these names, may be completely unaware of the cloud, but the deputy director of the radiology department CaoDengPan on them is simply as a family favorite. These machines are the "lens" of the radiology medical staff. Through a variety of different principles, they can make invisible, touch the ray through the body, and then through the conversion of instrumentation and radiologists "eyes", the patient's sick parts clearly.