1. garbage [ lā jī ]
2. garbage [ dā jī ]
3. garbage incineration [ lā jī fén huà ]
4. garbage rubbish [ bǎi jī suì ]
5. garbage bin [ lā jī xi āng ]
6, garbage bag [ lā jī dài ]
7, garbage advertisement [ lā jī guǎng gào ]
8, pà pà garbage [ pà pà lā jī ]
9, garbage landfill [ lā jī tián mái ]
10, garbage heap [ lā jī duī ]
11、空间垃圾 [ kōng jiān lā jī ]
12垃圾筒 [ lā jī tǒng ]
"垃圾 "的读音:垃圾 jī
"垃圾 "的字形字意:形声。 The character is from "土", from "及", and is also pronounced as "及".
"及" means "within reach", "at hand", and by extension "around", "surrounding".
The word "earth" refers to earth particles and clods.
The combination of the words "土" and "及" means "the earth around" and "earth particles".
The meaning of the word "garbage" is as follows:
1. garbage [ lā jī ]
dirty soil or thrown away waste
2. garbage [ dā jī ]
3, garbage incineration [ lā jī fén huà ]
The municipal garbage will be burned at high temperature, so that the combustible waste is transformed into carbon dioxide and water, and the residual ash after incineration is only less than 5% of the original volume of the waste, which greatly reduces the amount of solid waste, and also eliminates all kinds of pathogens, transforms some poisonous and hazardous substances into harmless ones, and recovers heat energy.
4, a hundred trash broken [ bǎi jī suì ]
Song Kiln porcelain alias.
5、Dumpster [ lā jī xiāng ]
Metal container for dry garbage; describes ugly-looking
6、Rubbish bag [ lā jī dài ]
Bag for garbage
7、Rubbish advertisement [ lā jī guǎng gào ]
Nuisance unwanted spam advertisements SMS. .
8, pà pà junk [ pà pà lā jī ]
Celebrity private life photojournalism.
9, landfill [ lā jī tián mái ]
Landfill is still the most important method of solving the way out of domestic garbage in most of the cities in our country, and at the end of 2005 there were 356 landfills for domestic garbage in the country***, and 85% of the city's domestic garbage was treated by landfill.
10, garbage heap [ lā jī duī ]
The garbage heap, as the name suggests, is a collection of different kinds of garbage in monolithic form, forming a heap.
11, space junk [ kōng jiān lā jī ]
Failed man-made objects orbiting in space.
12 garbage canister [ lā jī tǒng ]
A garbage canister is a specialized container for garbage.
Sentence formation for "garbage":1. Garbage [ lā jī ]
Please don't throw garbage!
2, garbage incineration [ lā jī fén huà ]
The aviation garbage incineration station of Xi'an Xianyang International Airport Expansion Project completed by the design has become the first project in the same industry to be rated as a good engineering project; and it has successfully won the bidding for the project of medical garbage incineration station in Xingyi, Guizhou.
3, a hundred trash broken [ bǎi jī suì ]
Song Gokao kiln porcelain alias is a hundred trash broken.
4、垃圾箱 [ lā jī xiāng ]
Don't stand next to the trash can!
5. garbage bags [ lā jī dài ]
I brought some garbage bags to help you clean up
6. garbage heap [ lā jī duī ]
Their house is a garbage heap.
7. garbage can [ lā jī tǒng ]
Then he threw the doll into the garbage can again.
360 Search:/query/index?type=phrase&word_inc=%E5%9C%BE&text="%E5%9C%BE"% E7%BB%84%E8%AF%8D