Do people exist in the world who come back from the dead? Is it true that old people come back from the dead!

Dead and resurrected? The first thing you need to do is to find a way to get rid of the problem, and you'll be able to do it in the future. And at this time, in fact, is also facing the people of this phenomenon to speak, are exploring the secret is how, then the world exists in the dead and resurrection of people? The old man came back from the dead? The following take a look at it.

The world exists in the dead? Old people come back from the dead!

What about the world-shaking "back from the dead" incident?

A boy who died and was accidentally "resurrected" asked for water and then died again?

In June 2012, a two-year-old boy died of pneumonia in Brazil, and during his funeral, the boy suddenly sat up from the coffin and asked for a drink of water, before collapsing without any breath of life. According to his father, they were terrified and thought that Santos had miraculously come back to life, but instead he died once again. After that, his family also postponed the funeral for an hour, hoping that Santos would wake up again, however, the miracle did not reappear again.

Shocked by the world's "resurrection from the dead"

The old lady suddenly came back to life after six days of "death", saying she was too hungry to find something to eat

In February 2012, a surprising "dead and resurrected" news in Beiliu City, six hemp town six floor village "exploded pot": "Li Xiu-fen died 6 days, lying in the coffin and resurrected! This can be the villagers scared a lot. February 17, six floor village five old man Li Xiu-fen "passed away", the villagers put her "remains" into the coffin waiting for the auspicious day of burial, did not expect 6 days later found her in the kitchen to cook porridge.

February 17, 7:30 am, the villagers Chen Qingwang as usual to go to the door to send breakfast to the old man Lai Xiufen, and she still did not get up, he was very puzzled, they went to call her. But no matter how hard he pushed her or shouted at her, she did not respond. Feeling that something was wrong, he reached out to test the old man's nostrils and found that she was no longer breathing. Then he tried the old man's body temperature, but she did not have the coldness that should be present in a dead person. Chen Qingwang deduced from common sense: Li Xufen should be passed away.

On the morning of February 23, Chen Qingwang father and son came to place the "dead" room, suddenly found that the coffin lid was opened, the coffin "remains" disappeared. Chen Qingwang said he called his son to find a few villagers around the consultation, we have to think that the "body" was stolen. Ready to set out to find the "remains" when someone exclaimed: "She is in the kitchen!" Everyone rushed into the kitchen, only to see Li Xiu-fen sitting on the kitchen floor, the fire in the stove is burning, the stove on an iron pot. The scene in front of us scared everyone. After observing her for a while, we decided to find out if she was a "normal person". Someone saw a watch on her hand and asked her, "What time is it now?" She looked at her watch and told everyone: "11:15." Everyone took out their cell phones and checked, and it was true. After everyone breathed a sigh of relief, they asked her how she got out of the coffin. She replied, "How did you put me in the coffin? I woke up from a nap and felt hungry, so I thought I'd get up and cook something to eat, and pushed hard for a long time (on the coffin lid) before I climbed out of it." According to her, she woke up in the early morning of the 23rd, climbed out of the coffin after dawn, saw a few rooms are all empty, and found the rice in the incense bowl in front of the coffin, it was used to cook porridge to eat.

Shocked the world "back from the dead" event Mwamba cardiac arrest 78 minutes 15 electric shock miraculous survival

March 2012, Bolton player Mwamba collapsed on the pitch. Bolton team doctor Tobin said they used various methods on him and could not revive Mwamba, who had no heartbeat at the time, and Bolton quickly rushed him to the hospital, where "the medical staff told us that his heart had stopped beating." Doctors kept using electric shocks on him, and after 15 shocks, Mwamba finally responded.?

The Incredible Return from the Dead

Cholera Patient Tragically Buried Alive

At age 17, Mary Best contracted cholera in India. Her adoptive mother had just left India a few months before the infection, leaving her alone. After suffering through hours of stomach cramps and vomiting, her pulse grew weaker and weaker and finally stopped beating. Doctors then pronounced Best dead. Hours later, relatives buried Best in a French cemetery in Kolkata.

The year was 1871, a time when cholera victims were often buried soon after death to prevent the virus from spreading. India's tropical location and high temperatures made immediate burial necessary, so not a single person questioned the quick disposal of Best's remains.Ten years later, the undertaker opened Best's grave to bury Best's uncle, who had just died. The moment the grave was opened, the funeral organizer and his assistant saw a horrific scene.

Bester's coffin lid (which was initially nailed shut) was lying on the ground, her bones were half inside and half outside the coffin, there was a large crack on the right side of her skull, the fingers of her right hand were bent and appeared to be grasping at something, possibly her throat, and her clothes were torn beyond recognition. These signs indicate that Best was not dead when she was buried in the coffin, and that her "death" was a false death, a temporary loss of consciousness.

Cholera patients often fall into a coma, as was the case with Bessette at the time of her burial. One possible scenario is that, a few hours or days later, Best awoke from her coma. At this point she must have been so terrified that she didn't know where she was. She desperately called for help, but no one heard her cries for help. She then began to desperately push the lid of the coffin upwards, eventually pushing it open. Another possibility is that after waking up and realizing that she was in infinite darkness, she fell into a state of insanity due to great fear and desperately tore her clothes and tried to strangle herself to death, and then desperately hit her head with it, and finally died due to a rupture of her skull.

It turns out that the doctor who ruled Best dead did not make this judgment out of negligence. He had attempted to kill Best's adoptive mother twice, possibly for her money, which is why Best's adoptive mother fled India. At the time, Best may have witnessed the doctor's attempted killings.

Unreliable death certificates

In Queen Victoria's time and before, there were few people who shared Best's tragic fate. Before the medical advances of the 20th century, methods of determining death were highly unreliable, and even such methods as placing hot bread on the soles of the feet to see how a person reacted would be used. Some people were so terrified of the sight of the dead waking up from their coffins that they resorted to all sorts of gruesome ways of preventing this from happening, such as slitting their throats or letting a snake pass through their hearts.

In their 1905 book How to Avoid Premature Burial, two doctors and a colleague recounted a series of incidents in which the dead had come back to life. These incidents were collected from newspapers around the world, and many people who had faked their deaths were presumed dead and buried. In some of these cases, the victims were almost saved, but due to the terror of others, their lives were taken in vain.

In 1887, there was a return from the dead incident in France. In 1887, funeral directors were transporting a coffin containing the "body" of a young man to the cemetery when they heard a knocking sound coming from the coffin. However, out of fear, they did not open the casket and allowed the funeral to continue. While shoveling earth onto the coffin, all heard the pounding. Still, they did not open the coffin, but waited for the mayor to arrive. When the mayor arrived, they then opened the coffin, but the young man had already died of asphyxiation.

There are many other tragedies like this one, where people at the funeral waited for *** to send someone to open the coffin, but it was too late, and lives were lost for nothing. Open the coffin, the scene people see inside the dead body twisted, finger nails and toenails split, face expression full of fear, apparently to escape. Sometimes, the relatives of the "dead" worried about this tragedy, trying to find ways to stop it, but was considered by others to have lost their minds due to grief, unable to accept the fact of the death of their loved ones, and in the end did not take their concerns seriously.

Baby boy born in coffin

In 1851, Virginia McDonald, a New York girl, "died" of an illness and was subsequently buried, although her mother was convinced that her daughter was not dead. The family tried to calm the hysterical mother, but to no avail. In desperation, they opened the coffin and were shocked to find MacDonald lying on her side inside the coffin with both hands badly bitten. All indications are that she was not dead at the time of burial and woke up frantically biting her hands out of fear or hunger.

In 1903, at the funeral of a 14-year-old boy in France, his mother insisted that her son was not dead, demanded that the coffin be opened, and was eventually forcibly dragged away by those on the scene. The day after the funeral, the mother was digging in the graveyard with her hands, and when she opened the coffin, she saw her child's body twisted in a position where he was trying to escape. Unfortunately, by this time it was too late to open the coffin and the child had suffocated.

Sometimes, what appears to be a sign that a person who has been brought back from the dead is trying to escape from the coffin may actually be caused by the natural process of decomposition of the body, or necrophilia. In addition, grave robbers can be a major cause. The reason why the lids of some coffins were opened and the bodies were in disarray was due to them. Apart from these cases, the only explanation may be the resurrection of the dead.

In some of the most heartbreaking resurrections, the "dead" were women who had died from complications of pregnancy. If left untreated, convulsions during pregnancy can lead to epilepsy and even coma. This may have been the case for Lavrina Merry, a pregnant woman from Mantua, Italy, who "passed away" from a hysterical attack in July 1890 and was subsequently buried. For some reason, her grave was opened two days later, only to find that Merry had awakened in her coffin and given birth to a baby boy. Unfortunately, the mother and child had long since died.

Pet dog saves 'dead' owner

In How to Avoid a Premature Burial, the author also mentions the story of another young mother's death, told by a doctor in Baker County. The mother, the wife of an Army doctor, developed severe heartburn shortly after giving birth. Despite all the efforts of the doctors to save her - probably including her husband - she could not be brought back, and at least on the surface, the young mother died. The husband then began to prepare for the funeral.

Strangely, she couldn't close her eyes, and when the children came to see her off, she kept them open like that. After the children left, the nurse was surprised to feel her breathing when she gently touched her face and set off the alarm. The doctor who arrived later put a mirror in front of her mouth, but did not see steam appear on it. They then made a small incision in a vein in each arm and also found no blood coming out. After these two tests, they determined that the woman was dead. With that, the funeral preparations continued. The nurse persisted, however, smearing mustard on her feet again and waving a burning feather under her nose, hoping to provoke an instinctive response. To her credit, she eventually woke up. After being rescued, the mother said she felt her children had come over to see her off and saw her coffin being carried over, but she could not speak. The likely scenario is that she developed temporary paralysis due to childbirth.

Interestingly, some of the "dead" were saved thanks to their dogs. At funerals, dogs bark at the casket or attack the bearers, forcing them to lower the casket, which is then opened to reveal that the person inside is still alive. How animals can sense that their owners are still alive is unknown.

In other resurrections from the dead, people who awoke from coffins came close to being rescued, and eventually died from severe trauma.

In 1879, a girl named Sarah Ann Dobbies of Hereford was pronounced dead after being in a coma for three weeks. Her remains were placed in a locked room that night. The next morning, it was discovered that her remains appeared to have been moved around a bit, and a doctor was found who eventually revived the girl.14 years later, the girl committed suicide by jumping into the River Wyre.

Sirens and talking tubes

As concerns about premature burials grow, people are taking steps to prevent tragedies. A Belgian, Court Mitchell Kanisai Kaniki, invented the casket alarm. This alarm consists of a glass ball that is placed on the chest of the deceased when in use. If the chest moves, the ball rolls down, triggering an alarm, while a flag pops up 4 feet and drills out of the ground, alerting those at the scene that "I'm alive". In addition to the sirens, some people have suggested the use of talking tubes, which can be used by people waking up from the coffin to call for help. The glass ball alarm was a good idea, but not practical. The glass sphere was too sensitive and any movement within the decomposing body would cause it to roll off. In a demonstration, this alarm system proved to be nothing more than a showpiece.

To avoid the tragedy of burying the living, the Germans allowed the dead to lie in a morgue for a few days before being buried. When parked, the coffin is opened and the dead person's fingers are tied to a rope, which is connected to an alarm that is pulled if the body moves. This practice once saved a five-year-old man. While resting in the morgue, he suddenly woke up and was then sent home.

Even today, concerns about premature burials persist. In Hollywood horror movies, this sort of thing has even become a usual bridge. The concern is not unfounded; even doctors with modern medical equipment sometimes mistake temporary loss of consciousness for death.

In 2007, a Fijian-born soldier was critically injured by a roadside bomb in Afghanistan, and despite the best efforts of doctors, he was pronounced dead. While cleaning his body, a member of the medical team noticed that he still had a very weak pulse. The soldier was diagnosed as unconscious and was taken to Birmingham's Selly Oak Hospital, where he woke up eight days later, but his legs had been amputated. The soldier later represented Britain in the discus at the 2012 Paralympics.

A similar incident occurred in Yorkshire in 1996. At the time, Marion Jones, a 65-year-old woman, suddenly fell unconscious in her home. Her son immediately called for help from a doctor, who later determined that she had suffered a stroke and pronounced her dead. As the "body" was being placed in the casket, a police officer at the scene noticed her leg twitching. Jones eventually came back from the dead. She was diagnosed with diabetic lethargy. For the next four years, she had nightmares about being buried alive. ?

Is there any animal in the world that can come back from the dead

The longest-lived organisms that can now be found in the natural sciences are microbes called marsupials that have survived in sediments for a reported 2.6 billion years, classmates with the dinosaurs once upon a time. -2.6 billion years! Man, that's dizzying to think about! -- What's even more interesting is that this creature is said to have lowered its metabolic rate itself to a level undetectable by even modern instruments in order to survive.?

German scientists recently discovered one of the longest-lived creatures to date, a sponge that lives in the Antarctic ocean and has a lifespan of more than 10,000 years. Previously, the longest-lived organism discovered was a pine tree growing in the United States, which can live for more than 5,000 years. The sponge is more than two meters long and grows extremely slowly. Although 20 years ago, scientists have begun the study of this sponge, but because this sponge in the growth process did not form the annual cycle, so it is difficult to determine its exact life expectancy. Recently, scientists at the German Center for Polar and Marine Research speculated on its lifespan by measuring oxygen consumption.

In nature, the longest-lived organism is the ginkgo tree, which can be more than 3,000 years old. Even more peculiar is that, as a species of tree, the ginkgo tree has remained unchanged for more than 200 million years of traits, contemporaneous dinosaurs have long been extinct, but only the ginkgo tree, but still vibrant.