How to write a brief on wastewater treatment process

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Nudibuwan wastewater treatment plant Introduction


Nudibuwan wastewater treatment plant is subordinate to the Qingdao Economic and Technological Development Zone, the urban development of investment in the company. The plant is located in Qingdao Economic and Technological Development Zone, Phoenix Island (Xuejiadao) South, Tangdao Bay, covering a total area of 104 acres, serving a population of 210,000 people, service area of 51 square kilometers.

At present, the sewage plant consists of sewage phase I, sewage phase II, sewage phase III, water reuse projects, sewage design capacity of 85,000 tons / day. Among them, a period of investment of 69.56 million yuan, the use of three ditch oxidation ditch process, the design capacity of 25,000 tons / day, designed by the Shanghai Municipal Engineering Design Institute, China Construction Bureau and other construction units in December 1997, September 1999 through the Qingdao Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau acceptance of the organization, and formally put into operation, the effluent quality requirements to meet the second level of discharge standards; wastewater two investment 45,143,800 yuan of investment in the second phase of sewage, the use of multi-point intake inverted A2 / O process, the design capacity of 30,000 tons / day, designed by the Shanghai Municipal Engineering Design Institute, June 30, 2007 to start trial operation, the end of November through the Environmental Protection Bureau acceptance of the organization, and formally put into operation. Sewage Phase III investment of about 45 million yuan, also using multi-point inverted A2 / O process, the design capacity of 30,000 tons / day, designed by the Shanghai Municipal Engineering Design Institute, began trial operation at the end of January 2009, passed the formal acceptance of the Environmental Protection Bureau in June. Sewage two, three design water quality requirements to meet the GB18918-2002 Class B standards. Design water quality indicators are as follows: CODcr ≤ 60mg / L; BOD5 ≤ 20mg / L; SS ≤ 20mg / L; ammonia ≤ 8 (15) mg / L; TP ≤ 1mg / L. Water reuse project long-term design capacity of 60,000 tons / day, the current scale of construction for the 20,000 tons / day, with an investment of 10,612,200 yuan in June 2007 completion.

In order to ensure the air environment around the sewage plant, according to environmental protection requirements, the sewage plant cover deodorization project in August 2009 to start construction, the use of biofilter and soil filter combined treatment process, the project was completed in December 2009, with a total investment of about 11 million yuan, and is currently in the production of the trial run stage.

Two, the main process

(a) sewage a process

Water treatment plant a biological treatment method - three ditch oxidation ditch treatment process, three ditch oxidation ditch treatment process is set aeration, sedimentation function in one, the cycle of operation can be adjusted with the different quality of incoming and outgoing water The cycle of operation can be adjusted with different influent water quality and effluent requirements.

(2) two and three operation process

The second and third phase of the sewage treatment plant adopts advanced, reliable, efficient and flexible point of inverted "A2/O (fluidized bed)" as the core of the secondary treatment process.

(C) water operation process

The water treatment project adopts "coagulation and precipitation + filtration" as the core treatment process.

Three, the main parameters

(a) Phase I

1, the design of influent water quality

(1) five days of biochemical oxygen demand BOD5 ≤ 350mg / l

(2) chemical oxygen demand COD ≤ 650mg / l

(3) suspended solids SS ≤ 300mg / l

(4) PH=6~9

2, design effluent quality

(1) five-day biochemical oxygen demand BOD5≤30mg/l

(2) chemical oxygen demand COD≤120mg/l

(3) suspended solids SS≤30mg/l

(2) two, three

1, design influent quality

1, design influent quality

Based on the quality of influent water in the first phase and in conjunction with the development needs of the southern city, the quality of influent water in the second and third phases is determined as follows:

(1) five-day biochemical oxygen demand BOD5 ≤ 350mg/l

(2) chemical oxygen demand COD ≤ 650mg/l

(3) suspended solids SS ≤ 300mg/l

(4) ammonia nitrogen ≤50mg/l

(5) Total Nitrogen ≤75mg/l

(6) TP ≤8mg/l

(7) PH=6~9

2, the design of the effluent quality

Comprehensive implementation of the "municipal wastewater treatment plant pollutant discharge standards" (GB18918-2002), the first level of the B discharge standards.

(1) five-day biochemical oxygen demand BOD5 ≤ 20mg/l

(2) chemical oxygen demand COD ≤ 60mg/l

(3) suspended solids SS ≤ 20mg/l

(4) ammonia ≤ 8mg/l

(5) total nitrogen ≤ 20mg/l

(6) TP ≤ 1mg/l l

(7) PH=6~9

(C) water

The source water used for water treatment is the effluent from the sewage treatment plant, and the quality of water used for water reuse in the Nai Bu Wan Sewage Treatment Plant is determined according to the quality of the effluent from the sewage treatment project.

1, the design of water quality

(1) five-day biochemical oxygen demand BOD5 ≤ 20mg / l

(2) chemical oxygen demand COD ≤ 60mg / l

(3) suspended solids SS ≤ 20mg / l

(4) ammoniacal nitrogen ≤ 8 (15) mg / l

(5) total nitrogen ≤ 20mg / l

(6) TP ≤ 1mg / l

(7) PH = 6 ~ 9

2, the design of the effluent water quality

The effluent from the water project is ultimately required to be used as a municipal miscellaneous water, non-contact landscape environmental water. According to the use and "urban wastewater treatment plant pollutant discharge standards" (GB18918-2002), "urban wastewater reuse urban miscellaneous water quality" (GB/T18920-2002), "urban wastewater reuse landscape environmental water quality" (GB/T18921-2002) three standard requirements, to determine the quality of the effluent water:

(1) Five-day Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD5) ≤ 6mg/l

(2) Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) ≤ 50mg/l

(3) Suspended Solids (SS) ≤ 10mg/l

(4) Ammonia Nitrogen ≤ 5mg/l

(5) Total Nitrogen ≤ 15mg/l

(6) TP ≤ 0.5mg/l

() 7)PH=6~9


(9)Color ≤30 times

(10)Fecal coliforms ≤3/l
