Executive Summary of Medical Imaging Equipment

Medical Imaging Equipment, the 11th Five-Year Plan Textbook of the Ministry of Health for Medical Imaging Technology Specialty of National Secondary Health Vocational Education, is prepared according to the new version of the syllabus of Medical Imaging Technology revised by the Teaching Guidance Committee of Health Vocational Education in May 2007, and is a professional textbook for medical imaging technology specialty of secondary health vocational schools in China. It is a professional teaching material for the specialty of medical imaging technology in secondary health vocational schools nationwide. In the process of preparing the textbook, the policy of health vocational education of "service-oriented and job demand-oriented" has been conscientiously carried out, and the basic principle of "three bases and five qualities" has been fully embodied.

"Medical imaging equipment" is planned to teach 144 hours, of which 72 hours of theoretical teaching, 72 hours of practical teaching. The textbook compiles the traditional practical technology and theory, while incorporating a large number of new technology, new knowledge. The main content of the textbook is medical x-ray machine. About 60%; other imaging equipment, including digital imaging equipment, X-ray computerized tomography equipment, magnetic **** vibration imaging equipment, ultrasound imaging equipment, nuclear medicine imaging equipment, about 40%. The book *** divided into 17 chapters, Chapter 1 to Chapter 11 introduces the overview of medical imaging equipment and medical x-ray machine's main components, working principle, circuit analysis and use of maintenance methods. Chapter XII to Chapter XVII introduces the principles of other medical imaging equipment and routine maintenance knowledge. No specific introduction to the analysis of the circuit. Comparison with the previous edition of the textbook. Medical x-ray machine part of the deletion of tomography, out of the model circuit analysis, other basic retention of the previous version of the content of the textbook; increased the current hospital widely used in other large-scale equipment content.

This textbook closely around the secondary health vocational education to cultivate skilled personnel, based on the actual situation of students, the preparation of the content in-depth. Easy to understand, highlighting the characteristics of vocational education. The proportion of practical skills content of the textbook has increased, the preparation of teaching experiments 29 units. The theory and practical skills of teaching hours ratio of 1:1. experimental content close to clinical practice, for students to follow the study of professional courses to lay a good foundation. The textbook has "Learning Points" at the beginning of each chapter and "Learning Points" at the end. The textbook also includes a chapter summary, a variety of practice questions, and related links at the end of each chapter, making it easy for students to learn.