What is the price of polo jinx fuzhou 1.4 auto and 1.6 auto?

The latest offer and the national offer are almost the same, it is better to go to the car dealership to see the car satisfied before bargaining more real.

Promotions are advertised at the dealerships, and they are clearly stated, so there is no problem.

Besides the promotion, some car dealers can still talk a little bit about the price, but it's very low, not as good as directly asking for extra interior decoration, maintenance, gifts, etc. These requirements are much easier than asking for cash discounts.

Additionally, if you can find the owner of the car, in order to introduce new customers to the old customer way, it is generally easier to get discounts. You can go to Fuzhou Baihu Pavilion next to the Huaxia Auto City walk, there are more car dealerships, the comparison is also convenient.