1, the wedding ceremony carried out within the first three minutes, should be responsible for holding the door of the banquet hall. The ceremony has begun, in the music of the wedding march, the new couple is stepping into the venue. At this time, if there are late guests to come, should be a person to stop them, told the new couple is walking into the venue, let them wait a little while and then walk in. 2, the wedding ceremony began before the bride and groom's cell phone should be turned off or handed over to a person to keep. Imagine the new couple has walked onto the stage, is carrying out a ceremony, such as pouring champagne, this time the groom put in his pocket cell phone rings, this time is to pick up good or not pick up good? And too many phone calls before the start of the proceedings is easy to make the new man produce a rush of emotions, so by others on behalf of the answer is the best way to generally ask the hotel address to let friends cope with, if necessary, and then answer in person. 3, the new man into the venue if you choose to use the wedding march, then it is appropriate to choose the version of the Wagner, Mendelssohn's wedding march is suitable for new people to exit the venue to choose. 4, the bride should not be lifting the handheld wedding dress is not high, the shoes are exposed, it is not very elegant! The wedding ceremony bride to prevent stepping on the wedding dress, should be kicked out with the toes forward; the groom's feet to stick to the ground. 6, the newcomer into the scene, the pace should be slow, the eyes should look ahead. Many brides are afraid of stepping on the wedding dress, so walk carefully, and even the eyes are always staring at the ground, for fear of stepping on the wedding dress. In fact, as long as the pace is a little slower when entering the venue, kick out with the toes forward, take the hand stick flower hand and then gently lift the wedding dress, there is no problem. Of course, the groom's pace should also be slow, if the groom strides forward, then again cautious bride will not be able to keep up with the pace, accidentally stepped on the wedding veil. 7, the wedding ceremony couples walk on the stage after standing, eyes do not look around. Some couples stand on the stage, the eyes do not know where to look, in fact, you only need to look ahead on it. Of course, you are not required to always stare at a point, that seems too stiff. Naturally, as long as you do not look around on the good. 8, the wedding ceremony couples walk on the stage after standing, the groom should hold the bride's hand. 9, witnesses walk on the stage, first of all should shake hands with the newcomer to express congratulations, and then give a speech. 10, the wedding ceremony witnesses speak, the newcomer should be carefully listened to, do not whisper to two people. Witnesses are VIPs you invited, witnesses to speak when the newcomers to listen carefully, if the witnesses in the witness words, and the other side of a pair of newcomers in the whispering, it would seem too disrespectful witnesses! 11, witnesses witness words should be carefully prepared, do not start is the groom handsome, the bride is beautiful and generous: it should be based on the newcomer's situation to say the right words 12, the newcomers in the exchange of rings, the bridesmaids should avoid appearing in the ring! The bridesmaids should avoid appearing in the camera, the wedding ring should be worn on the ring finger of each other's left hand. If the bride is wearing gloves, they should be removed before the wedding ceremony begins.13. The bride's veil is lifted by the groom only after the rings are worn. Wedding Ceremony Details
1. For ease of seating, a seating chart is placed in front of the wedding ceremony sign-in table, so that guests will find their seats easily, and for those who need help, the ushers will bring them to their seats.2. Before the wedding ceremony, be sure to check the wedding supply list, and be sure to test the audio ahead of time, to make sure that all of the equipment in the ceremony is working properly, and to ensure that the sound can be heard by everyone present at the ceremony. everyone to hear, without being too harsh.3. The wedding ceremony microphone can make some brides and grooms feel uncomfortable, but it is very important. Because of it, the guests present will be able to hear your wedding vows.4. Unless it is a particularly small wedding ceremony, always use a microphone. Especially for a beautifully decorated outdoor wedding, if the wind is blowing in the exact same direction as the guests' seats, no one will be able to hear the priest leading you in your vows.5. If it is a small wedding ceremony with only family members and close friends attending, just reserve some of the seats for your elders in advance. For a large wedding, you will need to prepare seating cards to minimize the amount of time guests have to spend searching for their seats.6. Traditionally, the bride's family sits on the left side of the wedding ceremony and the groom's family sits on the right side. The closer the relationship, the more they sit in the front seat, elders and siblings sit in the first row on the left, if the parents are divorced and want to sit separately, it depends on which side of the relationship with the parents is better, if the relationship with the father is better, you can let the father and his current wife sit in the first row, the mother sits in the second row.
7. For a large wedding ceremony, a seating card will take care of all the problems. On each seating card, write the names of the guests and place them on the seat or on the back of the chair. The design of the seating cards must be attention-grabbing, and you can hand-write the names of the guests to show your respect for them.8. If the wedding ceremony is very short, you can prepare some alcoholic beverages for the guests, otherwise it would not be very good if someone makes jokes due to drunkenness in the middle of the wedding ceremony.9. If you think that the standing microphone will affect the beauty of the photos, you can choose the lavalier type microphone If you feel that the upright microphone will affect the beauty of the photos, you can choose the lavalier microphone. The groom and pastor will have no problem with a lavalier microphone, but it will be a challenge for the bride's dress. If you can't hide it, then you'll have to stand a microphone in front of the bride! 10. You can set up a bar near the ceremony site. When guests arrive at the ceremony site, the waiter can provide guests with non-alcoholic cool drinks, the top can be decorated with fresh mint and lemon to make them more eye-catching.11. Wedding ceremony rehearsal, it is recommended that the photographer and videographer is also best to participate. On the one hand, the photographer can choose in advance to shoot the location. On the other hand, it also stipulates the locations where photos can be taken at the same time, otherwise the photographer's photos will affect the order of the wedding ceremony.12. The number of people attending the rehearsal, including: the groom, the bride, the best man, the bridesmaids, the groom's father, the pastor, the flower girl, and the ring bearer.13. Wedding ceremony previews are usually held the day of the wedding or the night before the wedding, and the ceremony previews are followed by the preview dinners immediately after the ceremony previews.14. Unless your wedding Ceremony is only 5 minutes long, you will want to schedule a rehearsal, keeping in mind that all people walking down the aisle must attend the rehearsal.15. Clearly identify the location of the ceremony table and aisle. When everyone arrives at the ceremony location, first tell them where the altar or ceremony desk is located. The location of the aisle should be marked with ribbons or something else colorful so that it can be clearly seen by those who are attending the rehearsal.16. Number of times the wedding ceremony is rehearsed. Depending on the complexity of the ceremony, you can rehearse 2-3 times or even more until everyone is well versed in their roles, especially for the very young flower girls and ring bearers.17. Clearly define the order and position of everyone's entrance. Usually the groom stands and waits at the front of the ceremony desk, then the best man and maid of honor come out, with the best man standing to the right of the groom and the maid of honor to the left of the bride. As the best man and maid of honor walk to the front of the ceremony desk, the ring bearer comes out, and as the ring bearer walks to the middle of the aisle, the flower girl throws petals onto the carpet, and then the bride walks down the aisle accompanied by her father. Entrance and exit, be sure to play music.18. After the end of the rehearsal, to finally tell once again each person to arrive at the wedding the exact time and place.19. Wedding ceremony before the start of the groom's cell phone should be switched off or handed over to a person to keep Imagine the new couple has walked onto the stage, is carrying out a certain rituals, such as the pouring of champagne, which is when the groom put in his pocket cell phone rings, this time it is to pick up good or The groom has his cell phone in his pocket, so should he answer it or not? So in order to avoid this kind of embarrassing things, the ceremony began before the groom turned off his cell phone or handed over to a person to keep. 20. The wedding ceremony is carried out within the first three minutes, should be held by someone responsible for the door of the banquet hall ceremony began, in the wedding march music, the new couple is stepping into the venue. At this time, if there are late guests to come, should be stopped by someone to tell them that the newcomer is entering the venue, let them wait a little while and then go into the 21. wedding ceremony when the newcomer into the venue if the wedding march, then it is appropriate to choose the version of the Wagner, Mendelssohn's wedding march is suitable for newcomers to exit the venue to choose; 22. flower girl should not be in front of the newcomer to lead the way to spread petals; in the entrance to the venue to be able to find two The little flower girl in front of the lead to spread the petals is a very good thing, but have you ever thought of the children's hand and foot coordination are not very good, there will often be a little flower girl to spread the petals on the not go, go on the not spread the situation. So it is recommended that the little flower girl does not sprinkle petals, so that they hold hands, holding a fairy wand in front of the new couple to lead the way is not a good idea? 23. The new couple walked onto the stage and stood, the groom should hold the bride's hand; often see the groom standing on the stage with both hands towards the back, in fact, this time the two people's hands together, so that all the guests to witness your happiness and sweetness, and how romantic things ah! 24. Newlyweds on the stage after standing, eyes do not look around; some newcomers standing on the stage, the eyes do not know where to look, in fact, you only need to look at the front on it. Of course, you are not required to always stare at a point to see, that looks too stiff. Natural, as long as you do not look around on the good. 25. Bride into the venue in order to prevent stepping on the wedding dress, should be kicked out with the toes forward; 26. Bride with a handheld wedding dress should not be lifted too high to reveal the shoes is not very elegant; 27. Wedding ceremony when the newcomers into the venue, the pace should be slow, eyes to look forward; many brides because of the fear of stepping on the wedding dress, so walk carefully, and even eyes are always staring at the ground, for fear of stepping on the ground, and even if the bride is afraid of stepping on the wedding dress, the bride will not be able to see. The ground, afraid of stepping on the wedding dress. In fact, as long as the pace is a little slower when entering the venue, kicking out with the toes forward, take the hand flower hand and then gently lift the wedding dress, there is no problem. Of course, the groom's pace should also be slow, if the groom strides forward, then even more cautious bride will not be able to keep up with the pace, accidentally stepped on the wedding veil. 28. Witnesses on the stage, first of all, should shake hands with the newcomer to express their congratulations, and then make a speech; 29. Witnesses witness words as well as wedding blessings should be carefully prepared, do not start is the groom handsome and dashing, the bride is beautiful and generous; circulated online There is a witness statement, "the groom handsome, mature and stable, is a talented young man; the bride has the inner beauty of the Oriental women, gentle and considerate, understanding, is a lovely girl" such a witness statement can not be said to be bad, but the use of the people is too much. And this kind of testimonial is not suitable for every couple. I think the witness words or should be carefully prepared to send a sincere blessing is the most important. 30. kissing session, the master of ceremonies can not be too vulgar, should not be again and again, and again and again asked the groom to kiss the bride; 31. wedding ceremony on a formal kiss is enough, the master of ceremonies should not be again and again, and again and again asked the groom to kiss the bride. When the bride and groom are kissing, the officiant should not say too much on the side. That a sacred moment, the couple should hear the guests should be spontaneous applause. The kind of kissing in the new couple when the MC countdown 54321 practice is even more undesirable. 32. Advise witnesses in advance, the MC or supervisor handed the microphone is already open; many witnesses on the stage after receiving the microphone, the first thing is to fiddle with the switch of the microphone, and some witnesses also blew a couple of breaths on the microphone to check whether the microphone is open. In fact, this is not necessary at all. All that is required is to inform the witnesses in advance that the microphone has been turned on. Of course, the master of ceremonies or supervisor must also pay attention to this small detail, hand over the microphone must ensure that it has been turned on. 33. witness speech, the new couple should listen carefully, do not two people whispering; witnesses are you invited to the VIP, witnesses speak new people to listen carefully, if the witnesses in the witness speech, and the other side of a pair of new couples in the whispering, it would seem to be too disrespectful to the witnesses! Newlyweds in the exchange of rings, bridesmaids should avoid appearing in the camera; when the groom from the ring pillow to remove the ring, the bridesmaids should take over the bride's hand bouquet quickly to one side, the groom for the bride to wear after the bridesmaids and then come over to let the bride from the ring pillow to take the ring. 35. ring exchange, the action should be slow, the ring should gently slide down into the ring finger; exchange of the ring is a very beautiful moment, the newlyweds exchange with each other The ring exchange is a very beautiful moment, the couple exchange each other's movements should be slow. At the same time, the heart can silently count a few seconds and then wear in, do not like to complete the task of a set of force.36. Wedding ceremony engagement ring should be worn on the middle finger of the left hand; newcomers to buy the engagement ring may be more expensive than the wedding ring, but not because of its high price can be replaced by the wedding ring to wear in the ring finger of the left hand. A diamond ring can be worn by the groom on the middle finger of the left hand when he greets the bride during the day. In Western tradition, a ring on the left ring finger means married, and a ring on the middle finger means engaged.37. To make it easier to remove the ring from the ring pillow, have two large pins for men's shirts inserted in the ring pillow. Just put the ring on it; many wedding companies provide ring pillows to tie the ring with a string on the ring pillow. If you prepare two men's shirts on the big head pin used in the ring pillow inserted in the ring pillow, put the ring directly on it, the new couple to take off the ring is not more convenient?
38. Kissing session, the new couple should be generous, do not squirm, embarrassed; in the many friends and relatives to witness the kiss, may be the only time in your life experience. Since it is only once, why not be generous and fully enjoy this sacred moment in the limelight? 39. Wedding rings should be worn on the ring finger of each other's left hand; 40. If the bride is wearing gloves, then in the rehearsal should first try on the wedding ring to see if it can be put in, if it can not be put in, the gloves should be taken off before the ceremony begins; 41. The bride's veil is worn after the ring is lifted only by the groom; 42. When exchanging the ring, the newcomer the back of the hand of the left hand should be facing the camera; exchange of rings! Such a sacred moment who would like to be recorded by the camera, but after reading many posts of the newlyweds on the fence, I found that many of the newlyweds exchange the rings with their hands flat, and it is hard to see the rings. If we don't say that they are exchanging rings in such photos, some people may think that the newlyweds are just holding each other's hands. If the couple doesn't give a good angle, it's useless to hire even the most advanced photographer.43. Witnesses' speeches and parents' speeches should be scripted; all speeches at formal occasions should be scripted. This shows that you are carefully prepared, showing the importance you attach to the speech.44. Witnesses, both parents can best be attended in formal attire. Men wear suits and ties, women wear suits; if you choose to get married in the fall and winter seasons, the witnesses, both parents are generally dressed to attend. However, if you choose to get married in the hotter season, many parents and witnesses will not pay much attention to their attire. In my opinion, couples who choose to get married in the hotter season should at least suggest that both dads and witnesses (men) wear shirts and ties; if they wear t-shirts, it looks too casual.45. If the bride wants to enter the ceremony with her dad, then the dad must wear a suit and tie; if he chooses to enter the ceremony in this way, and the dad only wears a shirt, then it looks too unofficial.46. The paper for the wedding ceremony testimonials, parents' speeches and other speeches should preferably not be white, but should be printed or transcribed on red or pink paper; 47. The wedding ceremony testimonials, parents' speeches and other speeches can be rolled up beforehand and tied with a red ribbon. Wedding ceremony witnesses, parents speech and then open; 48. witnesses on the stage, the bride and groom should be moved to the side of two steps, leaving the center position for the witnesses. Witnesses should be facing the guests, side to the newcomer, and the bride and groom in a figure of eight. Do not witness on the stage, the newcomer does not move, witnesses stand directly in front of the newcomer; (of course, the actual station also depends on the stage situation) 49. MC announced that the witnesses on the stage, the best man can walk to the witness table, lead witnesses to the side of the stage; witnesses are the guests of honor, which better show the newcomer's respect for the witnesses. 50. The newcomer should be prepared for the witnesses to a don't in front of the chest During the wedding ceremony, the new couple should have eye contact with each other; I have talked about a lot of details before, but they are all skills. Wedding ceremony I think the couple should pay more attention to each other is the inner feelings at that time. The newlyweds should express their happiness and sweetness to each other, and they should have eye contact with each other. For example, when exchanging rings, the groom should first look at the bride with deep affection, and then wear them for the bride.52. It is suggested that you should not choose to use the ceremonial flowers when entering the venue; the confetti of the ceremonial flowers can easily stick to the newcomer's hair, and the newcomer's hair tends to be moussed, so once it is stuck on, it is not easy to shake it off. Once stuck, it is not easy to shake it off. It is not a good look for the hair to be colorful. Concierge flower confetti is also easy to fall on the red carpet on both sides of the table, often see the bone plate, cups, and even cold dishes on the concierge flower dust. 53. If the newcomer insists on concierge flowers, then walk on the stage the first thing is that the newcomer and each other for each other to sort out the attire, the confetti from the hair, clothes dusted off; so that it can be revealed to you each other's careful and considerate. 54. Wedding ceremony rehearsal must be Confirm who is going to open the champagne; if there was no talk at the time, the groom thought it was the hotel's service staff who would open it, and the service staff thought they hadn't been told, and that it was the groom himself who would open it. Then when the master of ceremonies announces the opening of the champagne, there will be an embarrassing scene where no one is going to get the champagne. 55. When conducting the fluorescent champagne ceremony, the groom should pour the first glass first, and then the bride will pour it again; both fluorescent liquids are transparent, but after the two fluorescent liquids are fused together, they will turn into a sky-blue color. When the groom pours the first glass first, everyone sees only the transparent color, but when the bride pours the bottle of fluorescent liquid she is holding into the wine glass, the fluorescent liquid has a color. The moral is that with the bride's company, the groom's life becomes colorful. If both of them pour at the same time, then the guests will think that the fluorescent liquid in the bottle is originally sky blue, and the other layer of good meaning will be gone.56. During the fluorescent champagne ceremony, the chasing light should not hit the champagne tower; the fluorescent champagne tower will only look more blue in the dark. The wedding ceremony will be much less effective if the chasing light hits the champagne tower. It's fine to keep the chasing light on the couple's face.57. How many fluorescent ice cubes should I buy? Nowadays, many couples go to buy fluorescent ice cubes, put these fluorescent ice cubes in champagne glasses, and once the champagne is poured, these fluorescent ice cubes emit a sky blue light. By this fluorescent ice cubes replace the fluorescent liquid. So how many should I buy? How many depends on how many glasses are placed in the champagne tower. If you have a champagne tower with four tiers and four tiers of 20 glasses, you can buy up to 20 fluorescent ice cubes. If it is to take five layers, four layers of a *** is thirty-five glasses, that is up to buy thirty-five fluorescent ice cubes.58. Wedding ceremony if the champagne is opened by the groom himself, then the rehearsal master of ceremonies or supervisors must be the first coaching. After all, many grooms are the first time to open champagne; champagne is not difficult to open, but if the groom has never opened, plus may be nervous, it may be very hard to open or not. The correct way to open champagne should be wrapped in the bottle beforehand in the outer layer of the gold wrapping paper torn off, the right thumb to hold down the bottle stopper, the left hand will be wrapped in champagne steel wire loosening, shaking up and down two times, and then the right hand thumb hard top plastic cork, champagne on the open good. If still not open open, then use the right thumb and forefinger back and forth with a hard twist, and then the top of the cork out 59. open champagne is supposed to be the mouth of the bottle to the outside, if to their own, spraying out of the bubble can be sorry for their own suits; 60. pouring champagne, pouring the first champagne glass full of the process must be slow; if the first cup of the champagne tower of the impact of the force is too large, then the cup will move forward, and the center of gravity continues to move forward, the cup will move forward. As the center of gravity continues to shift forward, there is a risk of a 'close contact' scene with the ground. If you pour the first glass slowly, then when you pour again, the champagne will overflow from the brim of the first glass, then speed up a bit, and pour the remaining champagne quickly and there will be no problem. 61. You should put on a "coat" for the bottle holding the fluorescent liquid; when you conduct the fluorescent champagne ceremony, you will see that many newlyweds are holding two plastic bottles. The first thing you need to do is to buy two plastic bottles. In fact, to the commodities market, buy two sets in the bottle on the small Tang Suit, set in the bottle is not very good-looking? 62. The new couple to drink a cup of wine should be unified all with the right hand to hold the glass; the new couple if a left-handed hold a glass of wine with the right hand to hold a glass of wine, it is not possible to carry out the cup of such a ceremony, to hold a glass of wine when the unity of the good, all with the right hand to hold the glass. Of course, both left-handed can also be used. 63. If the couple also want to carry out the whole ceremony of the toast, then a sip of the toast is good; if the couple also want to carry out the whole ceremony of the toast, then a sip of the toast is good. After drinking a sip of cup wine, raise your glass to all the guests, everyone cheers. 64. After the wedding ceremony couples drink the cup wine, the bridesmaid or the supervisor should take the cup in the hands of the newcomer in a timely manner; the newcomer is in the middle of the stage for the ceremony of the cup wine ceremony, and the ceremony table is at the side, so where to put the cup after the drink? At this time, the supervisor or maid of honor should come in time to take over the wine cups in the hands of the new couple.65. Don't turn off all the lights in the banquet hall before the master of ceremonies speaks; the candlelight ceremony needs to turn off the lights, but it should be turned off only after the master of ceremonies has given a hint to the guests. For example, if the master of ceremonies says, "The candlelight ceremony is about to begin, please take your seats", the staff member who turns off the lights should not turn off the lights until the master of ceremonies gives the guests a signal. The staff member who turns off the lights will turn off the lights after hearing this prompt. This also gives the guests a psychological preparation, if there is no master of ceremonies prompt words, many guests will think the hotel power outage? 66. When the couple pushed the candlelight car into the venue, there should be a staff member at the door, so that the guests out of the hotel wait a little while before entering the venue; 67. Wedding ceremony should be negotiated with the hotel, in the candlelight ceremony, let the kitchen pause during the food; when the newcomers for each table when the candle cups are sent to the guests, if the attendant at the same time in the food, so that some of the scenery; Secondly, the waiter serving food in a darker If the waiter serves food in a darker situation, it is very easy for the plates to come into close contact with the ground. 68. The candle cups on the candle car can be arranged in the shape of a heart; the candle cups on the candle car can be arranged in the shape of a heart, which is not only beautiful, but also has the symbolism of heart to heart. 69. If you choose to put the fluorescent ice cubes in champagne cups for the wedding ceremony, you can't choose the crimson color of the champagne, "Dragon" champagne; the wedding ceremony can't choose the crimson color of "Dragon" champagne; the wedding ceremony can't choose the crimson color of "Dragon" champagne. 70. "If the wedding ceremony chooses to put fluorescent ice cubes in the champagne glasses, then the champagne should not be "Dragon", which is a deep red color; there are two kinds of champagne usually used in wedding ceremonies. One of them is "Veyron", which is a deep red color. If you put fluorescent ice cubes in the champagne glass and pour in the dark red champagne, the color of the champagne will be dark red with a little blue shimmer. The color is not very nice. Another kind of champagne is "Zhangyu" apple sparkling wine. This sparkling wine is a golden color. If you put fluorescent ice cubes in a champagne glass and pour golden champagne into it, the color of the champagne will change to sky blue. Therefore, you should choose the golden-colored "Zhangyu". 70. The wine for the wedding couple to drink the handover cup should be prepared in advance. After pouring the champagne, the couple should not take the top glass of the champagne tower; the champagne tower made of champagne cups does not have a high coefficient of stability, so the couple should take the top glass, which may easily lead to an embarrassing scene where the champagne cups are in close contact with the ground. Prepare beforehand has been poured cola two cups placed behind the champagne tower, not a good choice?71. The new couple to drink a cup of wine should walk to the middle of the stage; placed in the champagne tower of the ceremony stage is generally on the side of the stage, the new couple after pouring champagne, should walk to the middle of the stage, and then carry out the ceremony of handing over the cup of wine.72. Candlelight car candle cups can be arranged into the new couple's last name of the first letter of the alphabet; have seen this novelty of the arrangement of the method, but it is a little difficult.73. The newcomers are not recommended to take the lighter stick to light the candles at each table; now there are still many wedding companies are inserting candles on the candlestick at each table, so that the newcomers can take the lighter stick to light the candles at each table. I don't recommend couples to take this way of lighting candles. Because many guests will hide the candles beforehand, rattle off the wicks, and then blow out the lighter stick again and again when the couple goes to light the candles. If too much time is taken up in the candlelight ceremony, then it will affect the normal conduct of the wedding ceremony.74. Cold fireworks should not be placed on the tables of the wedding ceremony guests; some couples want to give their guests a little surprise, placed on the candlestick at each table cold fireworks, in the candlelight ceremony session at each table go to light up the cold fireworks. Cold fireworks are beautiful, but the flames from the cold fireworks are likely to fall into the dishes by the candlesticks. If every table sets off cold fireworks, the whole venue may have a choking smell of fireworks in addition to the joyful atmosphere. I think it is enough to put cold fireworks on the flower booths on both sides of the aisle and on the big candlesticks.75. In addition to giving guests candle cups at each table, you can also send fluorescent cherubs instead; fluorescent cherubs can also be used as a gift for one guest at each table. Both instead of a candle cup, but also a gift to the guests, two birds with one stone. However, it seems that fluorescent cherubs are a little expensive, to eighteen dollars a. 76. Candlelight car is generally arranged by the hotel dining car on the apron, should be sprinkled with some petals, or put a few roses embellishments; 77. Newlyweds to push the candlelight car, it should be the groom pushed hard, the bride as long as the hand on the top of the can be; if the two are pushed hard, then the direction of the candlelight car is difficult to grasp.