There are many kinds of coking wastewater with complex organic components. At present, A/O and A2/O biochemical methods are mainly used for treatment in China. However, the coking wastewater after biochemical treatment has high chroma and contains a lot of biodegradable organic matter, which can not meet the national discharge standard. For coking wastewater after biochemical treatment, activated carbon is generally used to remove COD, but the process equipment is huge and the initial investment and operation cost are relatively high, so finding an economical and effective method to treat coking wastewater has always been one of the difficult problems in the field of wastewater treatment.
When treating coking wastewater with compound chlorine oxidant, the chromaticity decreased from 140 times to below 60 times, and other pollution indexes also decreased obviously. In recent twenty years, the application of Fenton reagent in wastewater treatment has been paid more and more attention at home and abroad.
The research shows that Fenton reagent has a good removal rate of phenol, CODCr and TOC in phenol-containing wastewater.
The treatment of organic wastewater, especially the "three-cause" (carcinogenic, teratogenic and mutagenic) organic pollutants that are difficult to biodegrade, by using light, electricity, sound and magnetic catalytic oxidation technology is a very active field in the research of water treatment technology in the world at present.
With the assistance of ultrasound and quasi-steady anode (DSA electrode) catalysis, Fenton reagent was used to further oxidize the coking wastewater after biochemical treatment. The treated water quality meets the national first-class discharge standard, and the reaction time is greatly shortened.