2, lead: dynamic electrocardiogram generally use the chest lead. While the ordinary ECG uses 12 leads and special leads, from the use of leads, dynamic electrocardiogram is more convenient, but less than the ordinary electrocardiogram to reflect the changes in all parts of the heart comprehensive.
3, recording mode: dynamic electrocardiogram continuous recording, dynamic observation, data accumulation, easy to control; ordinary electrocardiogram short intermittent recording, serious errors.
4, the state of the examinee: dynamic electrocardiogram can be free to move during the examination, and will be the patient's rest, work, eating, activity, learning, sleep when the electrocardiogram changes in the truthful record, so that the doctor to analyze the changes in contrast; and ordinary electrocardiogram examination must be lying down, can not carry out any activities, can not be dynamic, static heart changes in comparison.
5, clinical evaluation: dynamic electrocardiogram than ordinary electrocardiogram is easier to find arrhythmia, transient changes in the heart and myocardial ischemic changes; ordinary electrocardiogram than dynamic electrocardiogram can be more comprehensive observation of cardiac changes, especially on the ventricular hypertrophy, bundle-branch block is easier to make a diagnosis. Therefore, it is necessary to routinely make a general electrocardiogram before making a dynamic electrocardiogram in the clinic.
The ambulatory electrocardiogram is now widely used in the monitoring of arrhythmias, the monitoring of potential risk factors for sudden death, the monitoring of unexplained chest tightness, dizziness, palpitations, and the monitoring of the function of artificial pacemakers. The domestically produced intelligent Holter has solved the problem of expensive equipment costs, making it possible for it to be used universally in hospitals at all levels. In the future, dynamic electrocardiography will be further promoted with the continuous improvement of the instrument and the increasing degree of computerization.