How can a vegetable go home to buy medical equipment?

The medical equipment purchased by a vegetative person at home can be a home electric nursing bed, a wheelchair, an electric shifting machine for a paralyzed vegetative person, a right median nerve stimulation awakening instrument for awakening a vegetative person from coma, etc.

Paralytic vegetative electric shifter is a kind of medical equipment dedicated to solving the problems of transfer, nursing and handling of paralyzed patients, vegetative patients and patients who can't take care of themselves. The vegetable electric shifter is actually a household electric shifter, also called a patient care machine. The patient's simple crane is a kind of medical equipment, and the electric shifter is a regular product, which requires a medical equipment registration certificate.

An artifact for bedridden vegetarians to get on and off wheelchairs can easily transfer patients to wheelchairs, which is mainly used to transfer paralyzed patients. Now it is common in nursing homes and rehabilitation centers. Besides shifting, there are many functions, such as getting on and off the bed, getting on and off the wheelchair, going in and out of the toilet and taking a shower.