What about the facilities around the relatives' hospital of Lanzhou Qilihe Procuratorate?

Address of Family Courtyard of Qilihe Procuratorate: Dunhuang Road, Qilihe District, Lanzhou City, Gansu Province 1078— 1088.

The transportation supporting resources around the straight line 1KM are (West Station Cross, Lanzhou No.4 Middle School, Mars Street Cross, First Hospital, Shi Lan Family Courtyard, Qilihe Yellow River Bridge South, Mars Street, Lanzhou Timber Factory, Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, West Station Cross) and so on.

Educational resources within 2km 10 (Wheat Education, AXA Driving School Registration Consultation Office, Oriental Bega Trusteeship Center, One Plus One Children's Sensation, Egg Study Room, Lanzhou No.66 Middle School-Boxue Building, Desert Dandelion (Wanhui International Campus), New Oriental (Dunhuang Road Learning Center of Lanzhou West Railway Station), Wujiayuan School in Qilihe District of Lanzhou City, and Only Education (Meilin County Campus).

There are 8 medical resources 2 kilometers around, of which Lanzhou First People's Hospital-Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment Center is 243 meters away from the community, Lanzhou First People's Hospital is 308 meters away from the community, Lanzhou Second Hand Foot Surgery Hospital is 8 19 meters away from the community, Shi Lan Hospital is 829 meters away from the community, and Gansu Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine is 91kloc-0/meter away from the community. Lanzhou Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital of Gansu Maternal and Child Health Hospital is 39 meters away from the community11874 meters away from the community1874 meters away from the 940th hospital of the PLA Joint Logistics Support Force, which provides a guarantee for medical needs.

The commercial facilities around the family courtyard of Qilihe Procuratorate are: (Baishunxiang Old Beijing Cloth Shoes (Dunhuang Road Store), Shuerya (Sock Store), Little Doctor Stationery (Dunhuang Road Store), Huiyuan Bookstore (Dunhuang Road Store), Maoyuanchang Glasses (West Station Store), Deli Stationery (Zhoufang Store), Guofang Quanchao (Mars Street Store), Wang Quan Supermarket and Beijing Jianxing Meat Market.

Click to view more: Details of the Family Courtyard of Qilihe Procuratorate.