English Translation Translation Translation
Children with special needs are those who need more help because of physical, emotional or learning problems. Just like children who can't walk need wheelchairs. Not only do they need equipment to get around, they may need help with curves or elevators. They may need a special car to get to school. Sick children may also have special needs. They may need medicine or other help with everyday activities. Children with vision problems may need special books for the blind to read. Children with hearing problems may need hearing aids. Life is challenging for a child with special needs. It can be difficult for them to do normal things - like learning to read or walking around school. The good news is that parents, doctors, nurses, teachers and others can help. The goal is to enable children to be as independent as possible. Other children can help a lot too. How do you do this? By becoming friends. Children in wheelchairs or with health problems need you. But meeting people and making friends can be difficult. Some kids may tease or make fun of them. If you see someone being bullied or teased, make sure you tell the teacher. If you know someone who needs special help, make sure you help them. Being kind to children with special needs is one of the best ways to help them. As you get to know them, you will learn more about their situation. You'll be able to fulfill some special needs - one that everyone needs - the need to have good friends.