Research paper on a country stream. 1000 words or so. 100 reward points. Good writing can be additional points

Water Pollution Investigation Report

Team Leader:Tsang Kam Bin

Team Members:Liu Keen Cheung, Chan Sik Luen, Lau Fuk Chuen, Ho Ka Man, Ho Chak Fung, Mok Ka Wai, Cheung Cheuk Wing,

Fok Wai Chee, Chan Wai Ying, Fung Sin Kee, Yeung Sze Yun, Leung Ho Ling, Tsang Yee Kee.

Instructor: Xuexian Deng

Abstract: [Objective] To understand the water resources of nearby creeks and watersheds in order to grasp the status of water pollution in Guangdong Province, and to analyze the degree of pollution further. On the basis of the investigation, to put forward its effective use of the management of the concept or program, so as to strengthen the monitoring and management of water pollution. [Methods] The water of the creek was collected for water quality testing and evaluation.

The team's suggestion:

If our water is polluted all the time, then won't we have no water in the future? No water people can not live, so please do not throw waste to the water, we *** with the hope that we protect our water resources, please protect the environment to care for the public *** hygiene, but also nature that clean the original appearance.

Investigation experience:

Through this out of the investigation we know a lot of other polluted water and wider knowledge. Thank you teacher for giving us a chance to investigate and to know more. Look at the small pond, a large amount of sewage discharged, the surface of the water appeared black oil spots, the water emits a very stinky smell.

Look at the small gutter, after a large amount of garbage piled up, the surface of the water appeared disgusting foam, from time to time there are bubbles rising to the surface of the water.

Water ------- my needs

Guangdong Province, China's amount of a coastal economically developed areas. I believe that people who have studied geography, probably will feel that the shape of the terrain of Guangdong Province looks like an elephant's head in full bloom, we all know that the long trunk of the elephant can be very good use of the power of water it! And this double seems to symbolize the water for the economic development of Guangdong Province has a significant position. In recent years, Guangdong Province, the rapid economic development, a large number of factories came into being, and in the rapid economic development at the same time, we seem to have ignored or said that not too much attention should be paid enough attention to a serious problem ----- water pollution.

Human activities will make a large number of industrial, agricultural and domestic waste discharged into the water, so that the water is polluted. At present, the world's annual sewage discharged into the rivers, lakes and oceans about more than 420 billion cubic meters, polluting 5.5 trillion cubic meters of fresh water, which is equivalent to more than 14% of the total global runoff. In China's total emissions, industrial sewage discharges accounted for about 60%, industrial water pollution prevention and control is the primary task of water pollution prevention and control.

1. Industrial wastewater: industrial wastewater pollutants may come from raw materials, finished products, intermediate products, by-products, or other materials used in industrial manufacturing or energy, so the source of water pollution can be caused by a large number of sources of water needed in the production process, such as cooling water, water for manufacturing (ultrapure water), water for boilers, water for the product, and cleaning water and other wastewater generated by the plant and general sewage. Industrial wastewater is the main source of industrial wastewater in Taiwan. Industrial wastewater is currently one of the main sources of water pollution in Taiwan, each industry discharges wastewater intensity and types of pollutants, with the industrial category of manufacturing methods and water habits are different, the province has caused varying degrees of water pollution.

2. Garbage seepage water: Landfill seepage water, its water quality due to the type of garbage, the size of the burial, the burial method and the stage of burial varies. The concentration of pollutants is higher in the early stage of landfill, and then decreases with the burial time. Landfill seepage water contains a high concentration of organic matter, and turbidity and chromaticity is very high, so it is also one of the sources of water pollution.

3. Other: Forest harvesting, farming, civil engineering and other human factors will increase the water in the plankton or dissolved matter. Cement factories, chemical factories, iron and steel mills and gas plants, etc. remove the gas and dust due to rainfall wash effect into the river, etc., can cause water pollution problems. Among the above sources of pollution, municipal sewage, industrial wastewater and agricultural pollution are the most important. Industrial wastewater, especially pulp, dyeing and finishing, tanning, store and food industry wastewater is the most serious pollution.


In our residential neighborhood, there is such an industrial area, which has processing factories, color printing factories, foam factories, ceramic factories and so on, and there are many stalls. These factories and stalls will make their own sewage, wastewater discharged into a large number of rivers. As a result, the water quality of these rivers has seriously deteriorated, and the growth of microorganisms in the water is alarming, which threatens the safety of life in the river, and the plants in the river, such as algae, have died in large quantities. As a result, the river doesn't look like a river, the water doesn't look like water, and in the words of the staff of the local water plant: Is this water? It looks like juice. The degree of pollution can be imagined, words are no longer useless, only to see for real:

Then show some more ironic, see the following picture:

Research results:

Thus, we need to cherish the water resources. Because water is an indispensable substance in human life, water in human tissues accounts for 60 to 70 percent of the weight of the human body, and other animals or plants account for more than 5 percent of the water in their bodies, so it is clear that water is indispensable to maintain life, in addition to this, water is also a necessity for the country's economic development, no matter whether it is a commercial activity, industrial development, agricultural operations, hydroelectric power development and aquaculture, all of which require water. Water is essential for commercial activities, industrial development, agricultural operations, hydropower development, and aquaculture. In recent years, Taiwan's rapid economic development, population growth, industrial development and urban expansion, people in the high degree of development and utilization of natural resources, due to the failure to do the appropriate treatment, resulting in an imbalance of the entire ecosystem, and then the phenomenon of eutrophication of the lakes, rivers and rivers turbid and black and exhaustion, etc., have occurred, so that the living environment is out of harmony with the phenomenon of water pollution is becoming increasingly serious problems. Generally known as water pollution, mainly due to human factors, directly or indirectly, the pollutants involved in the water body, change its physical, chemical or biological characteristics of the change, so as to affect the normal use of the water or jeopardize the health of the nation and the living environment.

Water pollution prevention and control strategy:

Guangdong Province in recent years, the population increase, industrial and commercial development, resulting in a large amount of wastewater pollution, due to the failure to properly deal with the timely discharge of results has exceeded the ability to withstand the self-purification of the water body, and caused by the source of tap water, agriculture, fisheries, water sources, recreational use of water, causing damage to the occurrence of water pollution problems, and the impact of water resources, and have been a threat to the health and property of the public. This has affected the utilization of water resources and threatened the health and property of the public. As the standard of living of the public improves, the government should repeatedly and strictly require the industrial sector to do a good job in preventing and controlling pollution, and promote ways to prevent new sources of industrial pollution from arising and assist existing industries to speed up the improvement process so as to make them comply with the national standards. In order to provide timely technical advice, and training of personnel, in order to implement is, the implementation of the overall pollution prevention and control work, the government should be river to formulate a number of important measures and prevention and control strategy, which are as follows:

1. policy to adopt a selective industrial development, to inhibit the growth of highly polluting industries, the incentives for industrial development plans, that is, to take into account environmental protection, non-polluting or low-polluting industries as the main Reward the object, the new serious pollution industry and pollution is difficult to properly control the establishment of a ban or restriction, and gradually eliminate the existing serious pollution, and can not afford the cost of pollution prevention and control of industry. For example: prohibit the mercury bath alkali chlorine plant new and expanded, prohibit the pentachlorophenol (PCP) pesticide plant new and expanded, both established factories at the same time to stop production. The manufacture of titanium dioxide (Tio2) must adopt the low-waste, low-pollution chlorination method to replace the traditional high-pollution sulfuric acid method.

2. Pollution treatment, encouraging the adoption of ways to improve the effective use of resources and by-products recycling, in order to reduce waste emissions to implement the "industrial waste reduction" strategy. Many of the pollution behaviors are themselves the loss of valuable resources in the production process, which can easily lead to "external uneconomical" public health problems and "internal uneconomical behaviors" that increase production costs. In recent years, the prevention and control of pollution has started from the internal improvement of factories, including assisting and counseling factories to improve their manufacturing methods, procedures and production management, so as to increase efficiency and reduce the emission of pollutants. For example, the metal surface treatment industry is counseled to use "closed sand blasting" to replace the traditional highly polluting "acid washing operation", the scrap metal industry is counseled to use "CuCl corrosive" to replace the highly polluting "acid washing operation", and paper factories are counseled. In addition, we counsel alkaline chlorine factories to use non-mercury "ionic film bath" instead of "mercury bath" to solve the problem of mercury pollution at all.

3. Pollution prevention and control to take the mandatory prior completion of the requirements of proper planning in line with the principle of "prevention is better than cure", so for the new or expansion of polluting industries, to take prior review and preventive measures. For example:

(1) The regulations stipulate that an industry should attach a pollution prevention plan when applying for establishment, and forward the pollution prevention design to the environmental protection authorities when approving its establishment license. In the issuance of industrial registration or change of registration, the relevant units should first invite the industry as far as possible with the combination of environmental protection plans, in order to play a more effective preventive measures, in conjunction with the environmental protection authorities to complete the development of the "new factory pollution prevention and control audit point of operation".

(2) Outside of the industrial zone, industries with serious pollution are restricted from adding neighboring land for factory expansion, and the issuance of certificates of adjoining industrial land use is suspended. The government has induced polluting industries to concentrate in industrial zones and to stay away from residential areas.

(3) In order to comply with the "Strengthening the Promotion of Environmental Impact Assessment Program" approved by the Executive Yuan, it was stipulated that "additional polluting industrial zones and factories" should be subjected to "Environmental Impact Assessment", and the technical manual of environmental assessment for important industries was completed.

4. Research and development of new pollution prevention technologies: The government encourages the development of pollution prevention technologies and primary machinery and equipment in order to increase domestic production capacity and reduce purchasing costs, as well as to promote the establishment of an environmental engineering industry and the localization of anti-pollution equipment by taking advantage of the domestic environmental protection market. At present, ITRI has set up a waste metal recycling technology service center in Daihatsu Industrial Park, and is actively planning for the setting up of a business waste incinerator; in addition, ITRI is also actively assisting the industry to develop low-pollution locomotive engine systems and combustion technologies, and has been researching into the manufacture of diesel fuel filters and so on.

5. Promote comprehensive planning for river basins and strengthen the construction of public **** to protect the quality of water bodies and optimize the use of water resources: Plan the best use of rivers now and in the future, and protect and monitor them effectively. Accelerate the construction of sewers in order to completely improve the sewage problem. Review the appropriateness of the utilization of each water body. Strict control should be exercised immediately over the land subsidence and seawater infiltration caused by over-pumping of groundwater in some areas. The best river improvement in Taiwan is the Dongshan River in Yilan County. The Danshui River system pollution remediation plan and beautification vision construction.

6. Actively promote the construction of sewage sewers, effective control of household sewage discharges regional sewage sewage sewers construction penetration rate is low, with the city's existing sanitary sewers, would like to accept the city of 17% of the wastewater, compared to the development of the country's metropolitan area of more than 90% of the take-over rate lagged behind a lot, therefore, the government should be active in the planning of sewage sewers long-term development plan to solve urban pollution and related environmental pollution problems. The government should therefore actively plan for the long-term development of sewers to address urban pollution and related environmental issues.

7. Strengthen the control of livestock wastewater: Livestock wastewater, especially pig wastewater is one of the main sources of water pollution in the country, so we need to diligently investigate and heavily penalize the strengthening of the ban on the collection of control effects. At the same time, strict audit of the newly established livestock farms pollution prevention and control facilities, in order to effectively prevent new sources of pollution.

8. The implementation of wastewater control measures should be set up to prevent and control the pollution of specialized units and personnel, the establishment of the signing of the system, and to promote the establishment of self-reporting system, in order to ensure a good grasp of the business of wastewater quality and quantity of water.

9. Prioritize the control of hazardous substances, and phased reduction of pollutants in order to achieve the goal of water quality protection

10. Strengthen the organization, manpower, budget and implementation of the system, and to strengthen the protection of water quality education, publicity, training, and research and development: to strengthen the implementation of the environmental protection work of the counties and cities of the manpower and the quality of the work, and to strengthen the overall environmental protection education to strengthen the professional staff in order to improve the water quality protection of the work. The government has been working on this issue for a number of years.


This is the first time that the government has organized an international conference on water quality.