Fixed Asset Reconditioning Rate Calculation Formula

Fixed Asset Reconditioning Rate = (Average Net Fixed Asset Value ÷ Average Original Fixed Asset Value) x 100%. Fixed asset replacement rate, refers to the average net fixed assets of the enterprise with the ratio of the original value of fixed assets, reflecting the degree of old and new fixed assets owned by the enterprise, reflecting the speed of renewal of fixed assets and the ability of sustainable development.

Fixed Asset Newness Ratio reflects the degree of newness of fixed assets owned by the enterprise, reflecting the speed of renewal and the ability of sustainable development of fixed assets. This indicator is high, indicating that the fixed assets of the enterprise is relatively new, more adequate preparation for the expansion of production, the possibility of development is relatively large. The use of this indicator to analyze the degree of old and new fixed assets, should be excluded from the enterprise should be depreciated on the real state of housing, machinery and equipment and other fixed assets.

In practice, when a large number of similar assets need to be assessed, do not have to calculate the rate of new, and take the depreciated life as a grouping of criteria to the book value of each group of assets as a weighting, grouping of samples taken to assess the calculation of the average number of years of use of the batch of assets and the remaining serviceable life, and finally find and determine the rate of new assets of the same type.