What about Shanghai Jinlin Machinery Manufacturing Factory?

Shanghai Jinlin Machinery Manufacturing Factory is a sole proprietorship enterprise registered on 2010-06-24 in Jinshan District, Shanghai, the registered address is located in Lvxiang Town, Jinshan District, Shanghai, Ganxiang Zhangjing Road, No. 985, Block 4, Workshop II.

Shanghai Jinlin Machinery Manufacturing Factory's unified social credit code/registration number is 310228001362225, corporate law Jiang Guiyong, the enterprise is currently in a state of revocation.

Shanghai Jinlin Machinery Manufacturing Factory's business scope is: hardware, general machinery manufacturing processing, sheet metal cold work, metal materials sales. Projects subject to approval by law, approved by the relevant departments before carrying out business activities. In Shanghai, similar business scope of the company's total registered capital of 1144.22 million yuan, the main capital is concentrated in the 1-10 million and more than 50 million size of the enterprise, ***238.

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