What is the net value of Tianhong Select Fund?

The average deviation of Tianhong Select Fund NAV is 0.21%.

All equity funds under Tianhong Fund had an average return of 53.14 in 2020, and its only, the best performing fund was Tianhong Healthcare A, which achieved a return of 89.34% in 2020. Other funds that ranked relatively high in terms of return were Tianhong Quality Growth Enterprise Selection Fund and Tianhong Yongding Growth Value Fund.

Tianhong Cloud Life Preferred Fund, Tianhong Cyclical Strategy Fund, and Index Fund. Tianhong Fund has 17 index funds under its ***, with an average annualized return of 35.3 percent in 2020, and its only, the best-performing fund is Tianhong CSI Food & Beverage A, which achieved a 92.51 percent return in 2020.

Expanded information:

Tianhong Select Fund is described as follows:

The other funds with relatively high yield rankings are: Tianhong GEM ETF Connect A Fund, Tianhong CSI 500 Index Enhanced A Fund, Tianhong CSI Pharma 100 A Fund, and Tianhong CSI Electronics ETF Connect A Fund.

The fixed income "+" strategy fund is a concept that has emerged in recent years and has become increasingly popular over the past two years, with a growing audience due to its offensive and defensive characteristics. Tianhong Fund's **** has 15 fixed income "+" funds, with an average annualized return of 13.27 percent in 2020.

Phoenix - Tianhong fund in the first quarter for investors to profit more than 5.7 billion yuan

Xinhua - supervision of the liquidity risk management gates Tianhong fund rankings a stroke in the end