Recommended laptop configuration around 700 know

6000 to 700 laptop recommendations?

1. Lenovo Saver R7000PR7000P this game book first batch of goods on the market when it was snatched up, can be described as a hot full. In addition to the lack of stock, R7000P often in a state of shortage, the price once let the scalper speculation to 8500 +. From all aspects, this game book is still worth getting...

2. Mechanical Revolution Auger If the budget is a little lower, you can consider the mechanical revolution of this game book. With the R7000 almost the same configuration, in the price will be much cheaper. Mechanical Revolution...

3.Macro_Shadow Knight PrimeIf you like Intel CPUs, then Macro_this gaming notebook is something you can seriously consider.

Can you buy a laptop to play LOL for 700 bucks?

First of all, I can give you a clear answer to this question, if we spend 700 dollars to buy a laptop, then it is also possible to be able to play the game of League of Legends, we will have to go to the second-hand market to buy a laptop, if we buy a new laptop, then its performance is certainly not the way to support the operation of the League of Legends.