When EPS is used in fire emergency lighting and fire-fighting facilities, it is a fire-fighting product. If it is used in other situations, such as non-fire elevators, non-emergency lighting and other non-fire-fighting facilities, it is not a fire-fighting product. .
EPS power supply is specially designed for fire-fighting equipment and first-class load electrical equipment. Its working principle is that when the AC power grid is normal, the AC power grid directly supplies the load through the mutual switching device. When the AC power grid is disconnected, the load is directly supplied to the load. After the power is restored, the AC power grid of the mutual switching device will immediately switch to the inverter output power supply. When the grid voltage recovers, the emergency power supply will resume power supply for the grid. The difference is: EPS has strengthened the load output and battery monitoring and detection functions, requiring The output waveform is a sine wave, and the EPS design must meet each requirement of the GB17945-2000?0?0 Fire Emergency Lamps?0?3 standard.
(1) Lighting type
(2) Lighting/power hybrid type
(3) Power type
The main application areas of EPS are: construction, transportation, communications, finance, railways, taxation, schools, medical care, It is widely used in factories, military, municipal administration, fire protection and other important fields, especially in high-rise buildings.