1.1 Clothing on fire
(1) Roll on the spot to extinguish the fire, or if there is a safe rinsing equipment available, then immediately soak the clothing with water.
(2) If necessary, take medical treatment.
(3) Report the incident to your instructor and the safety department.
1 ⒈ 2 Chemical Splashes to the Body
(1) Rinse the splashed part of the body under fast flowing water for at least 5 minutes using an emergency rinsing device or faucet.
(2) Remove splashed clothing immediately.
(3) Make sure the chemical has not gotten into the shoe.
(4) If necessary, take medical treatment.
(5) Report the incident to the instructor and the safety department.
1 ⒈ 3 Minor cuts and punctures
(1) Rinse the wound vigorously with soap and water for a few minutes and squeeze out the blood.
(2) If necessary, take medical treatment.
(3) Report the accident to your instructor and the safety department.
1 ⒈ 4 Safety equipment
All laboratory personnel must have a very clear understanding of where the safety equipment is located: this includes the layout of the safety equipment, first aid kits, all escape routes, fire extinguishing equipment, emergency eyewash units, emergency showers, spillage chemical handling equipment, etc.
All injuries incurred during laboratory operations must be reported immediately to the safety department.
2, medical emergency rapid treatment steps
(1) remain calm and immediately inform the infirmary.
(2) If necessary, immediately take all measures that can be lifesaving.
(3) Do not move the injured person easily unless there is a possibility of being further injured.
(4) Keep the injured person warm.
(5) Have the infirmary physician call the emergency center for help.
(6) Minor injuries can be treated directly in the infirmary.