Medical device business license need to increase the business scope of reporting what to prepare information. Detailed

In 2012 the new regulations came out to increase the scope of a bit of trouble, because you get the license is in accordance with the old regulations on-site acceptance, you want to change the scope of acceptance in accordance with the new regulations, the scope of the change, you first look at your office, warehouse, personnel is not to meet the requirements of the new regulations, if you meet the need to submit the materials are: 1. "Medical Device Business License" project change application form;

2. "Medical Device Business Enterprise License" original copy, copy of the original and copy;

3. Industry and Commerce "Business License" copy of the original and copy;

4. To operate the product of the copy of the registration certificate;

5. Storage equipment, facilities, directory;

6. Change of the scope of business at the same time need to be in accordance with the "Beijing Medical Device Business Enterprise Inspection and Acceptance Standards". Medical Device Business Enterprise Inspection and Acceptance Standards"

Beijing each district in the process is the same, but in the actual process of some of the different, for details, please question each district Drug Administration or need information directly email: 583686395@qq.com请注明医疗器械经营许可证