Exhibitions and events this piece, the domestic is TCT ?asia +Personize and the World 3D Printing Congress is worth attending, the other are small. I was invited to attend the TCT Aisa exhibition and summit in Shanghai in March this year. Among them, there are many pannel discussions within the TCT Asia summit, the most lively is the medical seminar, many audience stood and listened to the whole scene. In the area of enterprises, 3D system, stratasys, makerbots, the domestic first Lin 3D, Huashu Hi-Tech, plus the wedding art customization category of the ultimate bloom, these companies bring a good report. 3D printing in the field of health care experts, the mainland, such as academician Kerong Dai, Prof. Lou Sikuen, Prof. K. Zhang, such as the leaders, as well as Hong Kong and Chinese Prof. Leung Kwok Sui, FDA, Mr. Lin Chiu-hsiung, these old Mr. K. Lin, the medical field. FDA Mr. Lin Qiuxiong old these big names, highly recommended attention.
They brought more data and cases at the venue, no nonsense, 30 minutes to take you to see all the industry's latest case results, in a few words summarize the plight of the sub-fields and progress. If you are a young man, Dr. Cai Hong from the Department of Orthopaedics of Peking University Third Hospital is one of them. He was quite a gentleman in person, a representative of young talent, and his presentation on the application of 3D printing in the field of medical orthopedics was impressive. In addition, Mr. Gao Bo of the Fourth Military Medical University, who lectured in the field of oral cavity report is also good, although the acting ability is a little weak. As Academician Dai said, stuck in the medical regulations, the current 3D printing in the medical field segmentation, can really give full play to the role of orthopedics and dentistry these fields. Especially orthopedics, the case of saving lives and injuries let people y feel the charm of science and technology to change the times.