Electronic products (such as Bluetooth speakers) exported to Japan what certification is required?

Bluetooth speakers out of the Japanese market need to consider a few key certifications:

1, the Bluetooth organization's BQB certification, the Japanese market requirements for Bluetooth products have BQB certification, we have a customer's car Bluetooth desk without BQB certification was detained in the Japanese port. The "ブルートゥース" is the Japanese logo of the Bluetooth organization.

2, the Japanese airwave law certification, commonly known as Telec certification (some people call MIC certification), Japan mandatory certification. Telecertification is mainly to control the radio frequency part of the product, common test indicators are: Frequency error Frequency?error, antenna power density Antenna?power?density, channel bandwidth Occupied?bandwidth, Dwell?time, etc., Bluetooth speakers belong to the wireless products need to apply for the certification. Certification, and the mandatory need to put the certificate ID number to the product above.

3, Japan Telecommunications Act certification, JATE certification for the Japanese Telecommunications Act, commonly known as. If the Bluetooth speaker has a call function you need to apply for this certification, if not there is no need to consider this certification. Japan's mandatory certification of all devices that require access to telecommunication networks. JATE certification is generally tested in the signaling interaction test, JATE certification is also mandatory to the certificate ID number to the product above.

4, the other is the security certification PSE certification, Bluetooth speakers generally do round PSE certification (voluntary certification, can not be done), if with the charging adapter plug will need to do diamond-shaped PSE certification.

5, VCCI voluntary certification, generally EMC aspects of the test, but is a voluntary certification, unless there are special requirements of customers, most customers are rarely done.

(This is the actual Bluetooth speakers sold in the market,? With 'T' characters is JATE certification ID number, with 'R' characters is TELEC certification ID number, BQB certification ID is more vague in the lower side)

Not with the call function Bluetooth speaker to do the BQB, Telec these two mandatory certification, with the call Bluetooth speaker is the BQB, Telec, Jate certification of the three mandatory certification. Deep Light standards often deal with these product certification in Japan, what do not understand can seek our assistance. I hope the above will help you!