Precautions for advance payment
Understand the prepayment policy of Shiqiao financial lending institutions. Each lending institution has different regulations on prepayment. In some places, there is a handling fee for prepayment, so users should understand the policies of lending institutions before prepayment.
The materials are well prepared. Before going through the prepayment procedures, be sure to ask in advance what materials Shiqiao financial lending institutions need and get ready. If the materials are incomplete, you will lose the opportunity of advance payment.
Cancel the mortgage If the loan has mortgage procedures, the applicant should not forget to cancel the mortgage procedures after prepayment. If not, the mortgage is still in the state of mortgage, which will cause unnecessary trouble. If the loan is repaid in advance, the commercial loan shall be repaid first. If there is an early repayment plan, it is best to choose the average capital repayment method. For partial prepayment, the loan term should be shortened and the prepayment time should be determined.