Want to show your APP work in a high way? Do you want to turn the pictures into APP effect diagrams? Then take a look at the following PS tutorial! The tutorial is not difficult, along with the editor I come to learn how to use PS to turn the picture into an app effect show map it!
This time we want to do is a 5S size APP effect show map.
1, create a new canvas size: 640 * 1136, and then save, named as: 5S effect template.
2, and then create a new canvas, named as: effect to show.
2, and then create a new canvas, named as: effect to show.
Size is arbitrary, can be larger, they look at the situation.
3, will just save the 5S effect template.psd dragged to this canvas.
Ctrl + T transform to the right size, tilt to the right perspective.
4, and then double-click the "5S effect template" layer.
Jump to this screen after.
Drag in the interface you want to do.
5, back to this display page. Note: Here ignored a step, just saved the layer dragged over.
Duplicate a layer.
Hold down the Option (Alt) + left mouse button drag the layer down, or Command (Ctrl) + J, select the following layer, double-click the layer to enter the Layer Styles, select the bevel and emboss, set the parameters.
Parameters adjusted on their own, which, the shadow angle of 45 ° can be adjusted according to the environment light can be adjusted according to the situation on their own, the shadow mode transparency at will, they look at the situation to adjust.
6, then, from the second layer to start copying more than one of the layer, each copy of a layer in the previous layer below, each copy of a layer are moved down a pixel, hold down the option (Alt) + left mouse button to drag the layer down, you can use the keyboard to control the direction of the key.
Then, set a projection on the last layer.
Then, set up a projection on the last layer, using your own parameters.
Finally, adjust the overall environment.
The beauty of this tutorial is the use of smart objects, which allow you to replace the interface with whatever you want.
If you need to show the effect of multiple interfaces, just drag in the PSD a few times, and then the plane is arranged, and then adjust the perspective effect.
Of course, there are many ways to show, the above is only one.
For example, you can also build a good large canvas, draw a rectangle size of 640 × 1136, and then into a smart object, and then double-click the smart object, into the adjustment.
Attached is @ the students of the method, the principle of the same, the details of the treatment is richer.
An effect of millions of ways to achieve, here only to provide a most simple idea, with PS pure do.
One, twist & rotate
Import the interface map, and then edit - distort, and then rotate, to achieve the following results:
Two, the thickness of the production
This step is the most critical, select the interface layer, [Ctrl + Alt + T], and then press the arrow keys [↑], and then press Enter. This duplicates a layer, and the new layer is moved up one pixel from the original.
Come on, wildly press [Ctrl+Alt+Shift+T], which is to repeat the previous transformation operation, so that it will be copied out of a number of layers, each one in the previous basis to move up one pixel. Thus making the thickness effect.
Three, change the brightness
Keep the top layer, all the other layers of the interface, merged into one layer, named [thickness].
Then select the [thickness] layer, use the rectangular box tool + [Image - Adjustment - Brightness Contrast], the thickness of the left side and the right side of the face were to reduce the brightness of 20 and 50 processing.
Four, the shadow
Copy [app] layer, change the layer order to [thickness] below, and then use [Gaussian Blur] + color overlay to black + change the opacity to 30%. Done!
Well, on how to use PS to turn the picture into an APP effect is introduced here, we learned it?
How to do the interface UI design of the display mapUI design in the production of interface icons in the process:
1, icon creative stage;
2, sketch drawing stage;
3, sketch rendering stage.
1, in PS create a new canvas of the required size and save it, name it UI design rendering template.
2, and then create a new canvas, named interface UI design effects show. The size is arbitrary.
3, just saved the interface UI design effect template.psd dragged to the canvas. Ctrl plus T transform to the appropriate size, tilt to the appropriate perspective.
4, and then double-click the interface UI design effect template layer can be.
Added: UI that is, short for user interface. It refers to the user interface, including mobile apps, web pages, smart wearable devices, etc. UI design mainly refers to the style of the interface, the degree of aesthetics. UI design mainly refers to the style and aesthetics of the interface, while the overall design of the software's human-computer interaction, operation logic, and interface aesthetics is another equally important aspect. A good UI is not only to make the software become personalized and tasteful, but also to make the operation of the software become comfortable, simple, free, and fully reflect the positioning and characteristics of the software.
How to design the App opening page? Come to see these five commonly used methodsFirst impression is important! Many users will judge whether they can trust this company or product based on the initial image of the App/website.
So how to solve the problem of quick perception? Start by focusing on the first impression that the App brings to us. The right launch page can stimulate the user's subconscious and help attract and retain the right users.
Before we dive into the design strategy, let's take a look at the basics of the launch screen.
A startup screen is a series of sequential experiences - from the moment the user clicks on the app icon until the content is loaded. It usually takes the following five forms:
1. app icon (the first part of the startup experience)
2. startup screen (startup page)
3. startup page jumps to content page
4. startup form of skeleton screen (to be loaded)
5. animated startup (to load more content)
The startup page is the gateway to the product experience, enhancing the user experience by simulating faster loading times and creating a seamless startup experience.
Design isn't just about looks, it's about how you solve a specific user problem. What problems do launch pages solve?
-Communicate subconsciously with the user and set expectations for the future;
-Reduce perceived wait time by hiding the loading process;
-Introduce the user to the app's purpose and brand;
-Provide an enjoyable experience for the user.
By sorting out the issues, here is a summary of 5 ways to design an opening page that effectively attracts the user's attention.
Starting with iOS 10, developers can personalize predefined icons. Example Bear allows users to adjust the color of icons according to the theme color.
MLB allows users to choose their favorite team as the startup icon.
Launch pages are like an ongoing marketing campaign, because every time a user opens the app, the impression of the brand deepens.
By adding an iconic slogan or image to the launch page, you can emphasize the purpose of the app and set certain expectations.
For example, the three apps pictured above put their brand logos on the opening page, a design that directly stimulates the user's senses.
The History, DocuSign and Ted apps pictured above reinforce the value proposition by adding a tagline to the opening screen.
There's a perceptible load time between clicking the icon and loading the content, and if you incorporate the right animation during this time, users can get a preview of the product's status.
The three apps pictured above all utilize animation to create a seamless bridge between the opening page and the content page.
Google, TinyFax, and Cinamatic are apps that use animation to cleverly transform icons into content.
The same three apps above use animations that are not quite as subtle, but still make the transition from the initial page to the content.
Some apps keep their animations simple, such as the one above, which only highlights the logo.
Chick-fil-A adds an alert animation to the opening page, which successfully directs the user to the content page.
For most apps, it makes more sense to use an opening page + skeleton screen, because lightweight apps usually load very quickly, and a skeleton screen makes for a smoother experience.
These apps preload the homepage on the launch page, with Breathe (center) using a colorful skeleton similar to the homepage, and Transit (right) using a map skeleton as the launch page, which makes it easy for users to tap directly on the page once it's loaded.
The application above uses preloading and animation to capture time and give the impression of "coming soon".
Snow, Dribbble, and LaunchPro use fewer skeleton states than the previous apps.
Some apps start up with a lot of data to load, such as video and audio, so they take a lot of time to load.
For these apps, a slightly longer animation makes more sense. As data is cached and load times are reduced, animations can become shorter and shorter.
The app pictured above uses animations to load data, giving users time to give feedback.
Clashem, Tumbleweed and Chefsfeed use fun animations to load data while enhancing the brand experience.
Looking at all these examples, how long should the launch screen be displayed? This should take into account the configuration of the app and how long it takes to load the data.
Customize the startup experience to suit different usage times and users:
- Have a different startup experience for each stage of the user's life;
-Consider the size of the app before choosing the right startup page;
-Use images to convey the message, and animations to guide the way;
Use unique icons for branding wherever possible.
I hope the article can let you have something ~
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