Antimatter annihilation energy is several times that of nuclear fusion

Antimatter annihilation energy is 30,000 times that of nuclear fusion.

A, anti-matter energy annihilation

Matter and its anti-matter when they meet, there will be a complete matter-energy conversion, resulting in the form of photons and other forms of energy, the process is called annihilation. In other words, only pure energy is left behind after annihilation occurs, and this energy is very large!

Releasing enormous amounts of energy according to Einstein's mass-energy equation E=mc2 is the most efficient fuel in terms of all physical reactions known. We can compare the effect per kilogram of starship engine fuel, a very ideal chemical reaction produces 1 x 10^7 joules of energy, nuclear fission produces 8 x 10^13 joules, and nuclear fusion produces 3 x 10^14 joules;

And the annihilation of antimatter produces 9 x 10^16 joules, 30,000 times as much as fusion, and 10 billion times as much as the chemical reaction of hydrogen and oxygen! 300 times the thermonuclear reaction at the core of the sun. An antimatter-homo-matter annihilation the size of an aspirin produces enough energy to cruise a spacecraft for hundreds of light-years;

And the fuel in fuel tanks and propellers the size of the Space Shuttle's enormous fuel tanks could be replaced entirely with 100 milligrams of antimatter. According to scientists' estimation, every millionth of a gram of antiproton and proton annihilation (explosion) after the release of energy equivalent to 37.8 kilograms of TNT explosives, the power of the world is shocked.

Two, anti-matter exists

September 18, 2000, CERN announced that they have successfully produced about 50,000 low-energy state of the anti-hydrogen atom, which is the first time in laboratory conditions to create a large amount of anti-matter. At first glance 50,000 seems like a lot, but there are 6.02214076×1023 atoms in 1 mol!

It would take the Large Hadron Collider 1,000 years of collisions to collide a microgram of antimatter. To get enough antimatter, several planets would have to be developed. Build giant particle gas pedals around the entire planet.

Antimatter research has involved scientists from 16 countries, with more than $100 billion invested. Many scientists say: as long as the existence of cosmic antimatter can be discovered, then this will be a well-deserved Nobel Prize.