What Movie Hysteria Invented
The movie Hysteria invented the first ever patent-pending electric vibrator for women. The movie Hysteria, in which a doctor, inspired by an electric chicken duster, invented the first-ever patent-pending electric vibrator for women, may further benefit women with a recent new invention by an American doctor. A surgeon in North Carolina, USA, has invented an orgasmic apparatus that gives women an immediate feeling of arousal. The surgeon is called Stuart Meloy (, he was in a treatment process, just put the electrodes on a female patient, the other party immediately screamed out, Stuart immediately asked the patient what happened, the female patient is shy, said, can be taught this technique to her husband would be good. Meloy has invented an apparatus that helps women, especially those suffering from orgasm deficiency, to have orgasms. To use it, an electric current is plugged into the spine, a signal generator is placed under the buttocks, and the woman can control her orgasm. The instrument is effective and has been met with a lot of skepticism, with some experts suggesting that some teenagers may secretly use the device for the thrill of fun. Meloy has ignored this skepticism with the idea of benefiting women, and has signed an agreement with a medical technology company that will conduct further testing of the device. Meloy also said that the instrument is actually unisex, not only for women, also applicable to men, there is no male trial.