Tianjin Ruixinda Bio-technology Co.

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Company Profile:

Tianjin Ruixinda Bio-technology Co. 04-08, the registered capital of 200.00 million RMB yuan, the legal representative is Li Bing, the company's address is Tianjin City, Hebei District, Wang Hailou Street, Gold Coast Apartments 2-501, unified social credit code and tax code is 91120105MA05JE2T30, industry is technology promotion services, the registration authority is the Tianjin Administration for Industry and Commerce, Hebei Branch, the scope of business is biological Technology development, transfer, consulting, services; organization of cultural and artistic exchange activities, advertising, medical equipment leasing; hardware, communication and electricity, metal materials, office supplies, general merchandise, electronic products, computer hardware and auxiliary equipment, medical equipment wholesale and retail. (Projects subject to approval by law, approved by the relevant departments before carrying out business activities), Tianjin Ruixinda Biotechnology Company Limited business registration number is 120105000187721