Expert Guidelines for Home Rehabilitation for People Positively Infected with Novel Coronavirus in Beijing (First Edition)

Expert Guidelines for Home Rehabilitation of Novel Coronavirus Positive Infections

This guideline is used to help and guide self-health management of Novel Coronavirus Positive Infections during their home recovery. When you are notified that the new coronavirus nucleic acid test is positive or the self-test nucleic acid antigen is positive, please do not panic or be afraid. Read these guidelines carefully and follow them. Be the first person responsible for your own health.

1. Instructions for daily life

Persons with positive infection must strictly not go out during their recovery at home and refuse all visits. People living together should take personal protection and comply with home isolation and recovery management requirements.

Positive infected persons should live alone in a well-ventilated room. Clothes, sheets, towels and other supplies should be stored and washed separately from others. Use separate utensils. The room is equipped with thermometers, paper towels, masks, disposable gloves, disinfectants and other personal protective equipment, as well as disinfection products, lidded trash cans and other epidemic prevention supplies.

Positively infected persons should wear N95 masks when entering public areas at home. When people living in the same household come into contact with a positive infected person, or when handling their pollutants and contaminated surfaces, they should protect themselves, wear N95 masks and disposable gloves, keep a distance of more than 1 meter from them, and perform good hand hygiene.

Each living room should close the door and open the window for ventilation independently. The room should be opened for ventilation at least once in the morning and once in the afternoon for more than 30 minutes each time. The central air conditioner should turn off the return air and operate in fresh air mode. In the bathroom, windows should be opened for ventilation, or exhaust equipment should be turned on for ventilation. Wet clean the room at least once a day.

Bathrooms need to be cleaned and disinfected on a daily basis. When flushing the toilet, close the toilet seat first and then flush. Wet and dry floor drains in bathrooms and kitchens need to be filled with water regularly every day. After filling, cover the floor drain with a water-filled plastic bag, or use a silicone pad to seal it.

Domestic garbage must be disposed of properly. Every time you clean up garbage, put it in a double-layer plastic bag and tie the mouth of the bag tightly to avoid spillage. After disinfecting the outer surface and sealing area, the garbage must be removed by the person living with you. Wear an N95 mask and latex gloves to place garbage at designated locations in the community.

Except for daily necessities and medicines, try not to order other express delivery. No-contact methods are adopted when collecting express delivery and takeout. N95 masks and disposable gloves must be worn when opening the door, and hand hygiene must be performed before and after opening the door.

2. Self-health management

Patients with the Omicron variant strain are mainly asymptomatic infections and mild cases. Most of them do not require excessive treatment. Generally, patients can be observed at home. For treatment, pay attention to bed rest, strengthen supportive treatment, and ensure adequate energy and nutritional intake. Pay attention to the balance of water and electrolytes to maintain a stable internal environment. If you encounter health problems, you can seek help from local community health service agencies.

The body temperature and condition changes of the positive infected persons and those living with them should be monitored daily. When symptoms of respiratory infection or existing underlying diseases are significantly aggravated, they should be treated symptomatically or seek medical attention promptly according to their condition.

Health monitoring of positive infected persons will be strengthened during home recovery, and the isolation will be released if the Ct value of the nucleic acid test is ≥35 for two consecutive days on the 6th and 7th days of isolation.

Maintain mental health and reduce anxiety, fear, tension and irritability. Maintain a regular daily routine and entertainment to improve the body's immunity. If you feel depressed or affected by some negative emotions, you can take the initiative to talk to someone you trust to get psychological support and eliminate negative emotions. If necessary, you can seek support from psychological professionals and call the psychological assistance hotline.

3. Self-medical services

Common symptoms of positive infections include fever, dry cough, fatigue, loss of smell and taste, nasal congestion, runny nose, sore throat, conjunctivitis, myalgia and Diarrhea etc. According to expert clinical experience, the general course of illness for young and middle-aged patients after being infected with the new coronavirus is about 7 days. People who have received the new coronavirus vaccine and completed booster immunization have a shorter course of illness and a milder illness. Some elderly people, especially those over 70 years old with underlying diseases, have a more complicated disease course.

Based on the opinions of clinical experts, symptomatic treatment is mostly used for viral infections. The main role of drugs is to relieve symptoms. It is recommended to use symptomatic drugs in the early stages of symptoms.

If fever, headache, and sore throat occur and significantly affect rest and sleep, you can take antipyretic and analgesic drugs, such as ibuprofen and acetaminophen, and the corresponding suspension can be used for children; If cough symptoms occur, it is recommended to use Compound Fresh Bamboo Liquor, Xuanfei Baidu Granules, Ji Zhizhi Syrup, etc.; if symptoms of excessive phlegm and difficulty in coughing up phlegm occur, it is recommended to use Compound Licorice Tablets, Acetyl Cysteine ??Granules, etc.; if there is a sore throat , if the symptoms of dry throat are obvious, it is recommended to use Huasu tablets, watermelon cream lozenges, etc.; if the symptoms of nasal congestion and runny nose are obvious, it is recommended to use chlorpheniramine, loratadine, cetirizine or budesonide nasal spray.

New coronavirus infection may aggravate chronic diseases and underlying diseases. People with underlying diseases must take medication regularly to control their condition.

When a positive infected person shows any of the following symptoms, they need emergency medical treatment. You can directly dial 120 emergency number, or choose the appropriate method to go to a medical institution for treatment.

① After taking antipyretics, the fever still exceeds 38.5°C and lasts for more than 2 days;

② The body temperature is 35°C and below;

③ Convulsions;


④Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath;

⑤Aphasia or inability to move;

⑥Unable to wake up or stay awake;

⑦Chest or Abdominal pain;

⑧Dizziness or confusion or significant change in mental state;

⑨Weakness or unsteady steps;

⑩Fetal activity of pregnant women decreases or stops ;

_Persistent inability to eat or drink, or diarrhea/vomiting for more than 2 days.
