Personally recommend solidworks!
Solidworks has the largest number of users in the world. It is a mid-range product and is easy to use: the real windows user interface makes the learning cycle shorter and production efficiency higher.
Large assembly processing performance, surface modeling, intelligent design and cae analysis, I am also a loyal user of sw.
Solidworks is often purchased from regular domestic companies because it is quick to get started with, is relatively cheap, and is very convenient for producing engineering drawings (it uses Windows technology and supports the characteristic "cut, copy, and paste" operations. )
From the very beginning to now, solidworks has focused on enhancing software functions, innovating and providing the best product performance;
This is easily reflected in the growth of solidworks On the data.
Pro/e is the most difficult to learn, the operation is cumbersome, and conflicts are troublesome. The interface options are also troublesome to select, but it has a powerful surface function, and it can draw many complex surfaces.
Autocad is currently the most widely used CAD software in the world, with its market share ranking first in the world. Autocad software has the following characteristics:
(1) It has complete graphics drawing functions.
(2) It has powerful graphics editing functions.
(3) Secondary development or user customization can be carried out in a variety of ways.
(4) It can convert a variety of graphic formats and has strong data exchange capabilities.
(5) Supports a variety of hardware devices.
(6) Supports multiple operating platforms
(7) It is versatile and easy to use, suitable for all types of users
But autocad is two-dimensional Software, with the development of software, may be eliminated. Autodesk is also aware of this and has developed the 3D software Inventor, but it is far worse than SW and ProE.
Features of cacx:
Integrated design and programming
"caxa wire cutting xp" can complete functions such as drawing design, processing code generation, and machine-to-machine communication. , integrating drawing design and code programming.
caxa is also mainly a two-dimensional software, made in China, and the price is relatively cheap
Generally speaking, sw and proe are mainstream three-dimensional software, three-dimensional modeling, and the price is relatively expensive, sw It's easy to use, but its functions are a little worse than proe. Proe is difficult to learn, but its functions are relatively powerful. Autocad and caxa are two-dimensional software and are relatively cheap. For personal development, it is best to learn a three-dimensional software. Of course, two-dimensional software must be mastered.