Medicine and Health Journal belongs to the national category of journals.
Medicine and Health Class Text belongs to Medicine and Health Magazine belongs to the national class of journals. Medicine and Hygiene Texts is a comprehensive medical journal and is a specialized academic journal in the country.
Medicine and health magazine is the State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television approved on April 8, 2009, by the Ministry of Science and Technology, Southwest Information Center, sponsored by the Chongqing Wipro Information Limited national medical core academic journals, Wipro full-text included. Domestic uniform issue number: CN50-9219/R; international standard issue number: ISSN1671-5675.
Medical core journals are the medical academic journals that are openly distributed and are systematically evaluated according to the disciplines of the medical academic journals catalogs, and the core journals are usually referred to as the journals listed in the Chinese Core Journals List, which is published by the Peking University Library every four years.
Medicine and Health Magazine
For the medical and health science and technology and health care practitioners, and strive to timely, comprehensive and rapid report on the world's medical and health field of medical research results, new technologies, new methods and clinical practice and experience.
The Journal of Medicine and Health has columns such as Essays, Clinical Research, Nursing Research, Hospital Management, Review, Case Studies, Short Reports, Disease Prevention, Drugs and Clinics, Traditional Chinese Medicine, and Survey Reports.
The Journal of Medicine and Health solicits manuscripts from all levels of the medical profession and related industries. Once a manuscript is adopted, without special instructions, it is considered that the author agrees to authorize the publication of the journal and the network of cooperative media for electronic dissemination of information.
The above content refers to the Journal of Medicine and Health - Journal Introduction