1. CNC lathe manipulator equipment for the working environment requirements of precision CNC lathe manipulator equipment generally have a constant temperature environment requirements, only in constant temperature conditions to ensure the accuracy of the manipulator and working position accuracy. General general robots on the room temperature has no specific requirements, but a lot of practice shows that when the room temperature is too high when the failure rate of the CNC system greatly increased.
2. Grid voltage fluctuations should be controlled between 10% ~ -15%, and our power supply fluctuations, poor quality, but also hidden such as high-frequency pulses of this type of interference, coupled with man-made factors (such as sudden pulling of power outages, etc.). During the peak period of electricity, such as the daytime work or about an hour before work and night, often more than the difference, even up to ± 20%. So that the lathe robot alarm and can not carry out normal work, and the lathe robot power system damage. Even lead to the loss of the relevant parameter data.