Which country in the world is the best country to live in

Finland (best small country, highest income country, best educated country)

Best medium-sized country: Australia

While Australia had a relatively high unemployment rate of 5.6% in 2009, it has the healthiest economy in the global Great Recession. Australia has a lot more to show the world than beaches and Hugh Jackman. In the overall ranking, Australia came in fourth. Australia ranked first overall in political environment and tied with Spain for healthcare. With a good quality of life, good security, bright sunshine and outdoor-loving citizens, Australia also ranked number one for quality of life in mid-sized countries.

Best large country: Japan (best healthcare)

This most innovative country brought sushi, Nintendo and the Kyoto Protocol to the world. Japanese nationals enjoy some of the best healthcare in the world. The average life expectancy in Japan is 82 years, and the average life expectancy of Japanese women is 86 years (Japanese women are the longest living in the world). How can we explain the longevity of the Japanese people? I'm afraid there is no definitive answer; medication, diet, health education, high quality of life for the elderly, and full coverage of medical care all play a part. In large country rankings, Japan ranks first in education and fourth in quality of life.

Best Low-Income Country: Albania (Best Education)

Albania rarely appears in the big news headlines, and it seems unlikely to be a role model for other countries, but the fledgling democracy outperforms other low-income countries. In the ranking of low-income countries, Albania leads the way in education, health care and quality of life. Almost 99% of Albanians are educated. Despite being the poorest country in Europe, Albania has a life expectancy of 78 years and 81 years for women, a pleasing figure compared to wealthy Germany, where life expectancy is 79 years.

Best upper-middle-income country: Poland

Poland is the richest of the upper-middle-income countries and has the best political environment, surging into the top 10 in terms of economic dynamism, education, healthcare and quality of life.In August 2010, Poland held a presidential election, which has made its big cities, Krakow and Warsaw, even more famous.

Best education: Ukraine (low-income country group), Kazakhstan (middle-income country group), South Korea (medium-sized country group), Japan (large country group)

When it comes to math and science, Kazakhstani students have the highest overall scores of any low-income country; they outperformed U.S. students in mathematics and students from many other countries in the 2007 International Mathematics and Science Study. students from many other countries. Korean students do well in science, and they have the best reading performance among students in rich countries. It appears that South Korea's success in education extends into adulthood, making it most likely to have the highest percentage of college students in the developed world. Despite investing only 3.5% of its GDP in education, Japan is still the best educated country in the world. However, the best ranking may not be guaranteed. After being criticized for having an overly rigorous academic environment, Japan has eased up on its coursework, and the performance of its students has slipped over the past few years.

Best healthcare: Tunisia (low-income country group), Chile (middle-income country group), Switzerland (small country group), Spain (middle country group)

While Tunisia's education is not as good, healthcare performs extremely well. Swiss healthcare ranks first among small countries, beating out Sweden and the Netherlands. Spain and Australia have the same beautiful beaches and warm sunshine, and medical performance is just as good.

Highest quality of life: Norway

Breathtaking natural beauty and a lazy lifestyle haven't stopped Norway from having the highest quality of life. According to the UN Human Development Report, Norway has been ranked the highest in terms of quality of life for five years in a row. Norway is also the most economically and socially equal country.

Highest quality of life: Ukraine (group of low-income countries), Cuba (group of middle-income countries), Australia (group of medium-sized countries), Germany (large countries)

Germany is the country with the highest quality of life among the large countries, and is ranked in the top ten in the group of high-income countries. Munich and Berlin are usually rated as the best cities for humans. Australians have the highest quality of life in the middle country group, Ukraine is the highest in the low-income country group, and Cuba is the highest in the upper-middle income countries.

Most Economically Dynamic: Singapore

Don't underestimate Singapore because of its size. Although Singapore's total population is less than half that of New York City, it has a high level of GDP per capita; it was also the fastest to recover from the recession. This is due to Singapore's loose guidelines and low taxes, and the government even brings in foreign professionals. With an open economic environment, less corruption and high business efficiency, Singapore deserves the title of the most economically vibrant.

Most economically vibrant: China (low-income group), Malaysia (middle-income group), South Korea (medium-sized group), United States (large group)

Most economically vibrant: China (low-income group), Malaysia (middle-income group), South Korea (medium-sized group), United States (large group)

While the United States beat China to become the most economically vibrant in the large group, the United States is also the most economically vibrant in the middle-income group. group, the United States beat China as the most economically dynamic country, but China won the title in the low-income country group. Malaysia's export-oriented economy has been sluggish of late, but remains the most economically dynamic of the middle-income countries. South Korea has the most dynamic economy in the mid-sized countries group.

Best political environment: Sweden

In the race to be the most neutral country, Sweden and Switzerland may have a fight on their hands: Sweden hasn't won a race in nearly two centuries. Both Sweden and Switzerland joined the European Union in 1995, and neither chose the euro. Transparency International rated Sweden as one of the three least corrupt countries in the world. All local religious pilgrimage sites are subsidized by the Swedish government.

Best political environments: Ghana (low-income country group), Poland (middle-income country group), Australia (medium-sized country group)

While Ghana doesn't have significant economic success, it has the best political environment among low-income countries, Poland is the best among middle-income countries, Australia has the best political environment among medium-sized countries, and Germany is the largest country among the best.