What is flexible TiO2 electrode

fsxgwh2007 (station contact TA) flexible TiO2 electrode is Tio2 deposited onto a flexible transparent conductive substrate, commonly used ITO/PEN, ITO/PET, etc., of which ITO is a transparent conductive film, PEN and PET is a polymer transparent substrate, the common deposition methods are rotary coating, screen printing, and squeegee method. TiO2 electrodes made of this material can be bent, and compared with TiO2 electrodes made of glass as the substrate, they are called flexible electrodes. zhouwenhui2000(站内联系TA)一般是把TiO2涂布在柔性(就是柔软的意思)的基底上,使基底上的TiO2电极能够随着基底的弯曲而弯曲..... miraclelin(站内联系TA)楼: Originally posted by fsxgwh2007 at 2012- 02-15 20:02:43: hmmm