In addition, Angola, Niger, Senegal, Somalia, Myanmar, Cambodia, Laos, Maldives and other eight countries have not yet completed the exchange of letters procedures, still in accordance with the original implementation of preferential treatment, to be completed with our country to complete the relevant exchange of letters formalities will also enjoy the same zero tariff treatment.
2. Zero tariff means that when imported and exported commodities pass through a country's customs territory, the customs office set up by the government will not collect tariffs from the importing and exporting countries. For example, mainland China will be from July 1, 2009, respectively, under CEPA, originating in Hong Kong, China, Macao, part of the implementation of zero tariffs. March 1997, more than 40 WTO members reached "Information Technology Agreement", will be covered by six categories of products such as computer equipment and parts, communications equipment, semiconductor equipment and parts, software, scientific instruments, and so on, in three phases will be the tariffs on these products Reducing tariffs on these products to zero in three phases. Developing countries to achieve zero tariffs can be delayed accordingly, but the latest January 1, 2005 must be all products within the agreement tariffs to zero.