The average salary of Shantou Corsair Carton Factory is 5600 RMB, and the average salary of the company in Shantou area is 5130 RMB, which is higher than other salary levels in the same area.
The cross-strait well-known "Corsair International Group" is a set of catering, frozen food industry, real estate, entertainment and trade as one of the diversified enterprise groups, in 1994 the group set up in Shantou "Corsair (Shantou) Foods Co. ".
The company owns frozen food production equipments of the world **new technology from Europe, America, Sweden and Japan, etc. It has a team of talents in management, processing and inspection with high level of professionalism and exquisite technology, and after more than ten years of unremitting efforts, it has developed into a leading enterprise in the domestic frozen food industry.