What is the average salary of biomedical engineering

Biomedical Engineering graduate salary in ¥ 6000-12000 / month.

Biomedical engineering employment direction:

The first, biomedical engineering graduates to medical device companies engaged in research and development, such as medical image algorithms research and development, as well as sales positions, or engaged in after-sales customer service work, wages are good.

The first one is a medical device.

The second, biomedical engineering graduates to the hospital equipment department or engaged in the work of medical physicists, need to participate in the Health Bureau of the relevant examination, to have the relevant technician skills certificate, in order to be able to hold a license to work, the salary is very high, very popular.

The third, biomedical engineering graduates to major colleges and universities, where colleges and universities refer to the importance of biomedical engineering as a major university, or to the Institute of research and development positions in the work of the prospect of a very good, high wages.

The fourth, biomedical engineering graduates to the medical equipment industry aspects of sales, inspection or maintenance: for example, you can go to the company that manufactures medical equipment, or to the quality inspection department of medical equipment.

The fifth, biomedical engineering graduates choose civil servants, selected or other industries: these industries are basically stable work but not much pay industry, depending on personal choice and planning for the future.

Overall, the key employment direction of the graduates of the biomedical engineering program is the medical institutions and pharmaceutical companies, as well as health care companies related positions.