What does oct mean?

Optical coherence tomography

OCT means optical coherence tomography, which is a non-invasive, non-contact, cross-sectional scan of the fine structure of the retina in vivo. method.

The full name of OCT is also called optical correlation tomography. It is a new technology applied in ophthalmology in recent years. OCT is a non-contact, high-resolution tomography and biological microscopy imaging device.

It can be used for in vivo viewing, axial tomography, and measurement of posterior segment structures, including the retina, retinal nerve fiber layer, macula, and optic disc, and is specifically used to aid in the detection and management of eye diseases including but not limited to Diagnostic equipment not limited to macular holes, cystoid macular edema, diabetic retinopathy, age-related macular degeneration and glaucoma). OCT is now divided into two categories: time domain and frequency domain. In fact, each has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Time-domain OCT is cost-effective and sufficient to complete the examination of most fundus and glaucoma diseases. And the technology is relatively mature.

Low coherence technology has become a key technology for high-density data storage. OCT technology can also be used to measure residual porosity, fiber architecture, and structural integrity of highly scattering polymer molecules. It can also be used to measure the coating of materials. OCT technology can also be used in materials science. J.P. Dunkers and others used OCT technology to conduct non-destructive testing of composite materials.

M.Bashkansky et al. used the OCT system to detect ceramic materials, expanding the application scope of OCT technology. S.R.Chinn et al. also studied the application of OCT in high-density data storage to achieve multi-layer optical storage and high detection sensitivity.