Impact of China's WTO accession on Shanghai
1. Agriculture
The agreement agrees to increase and remove barriers to market access for a wide range of U.S. exports. Commitments include:
Substantial tariff reductions, which will be accomplished by January 2004.
Agricultural products have been reduced to roughly average tariffs. Broadly speaking, tariffs were reduced to an average of 17 percent for agricultural products and 14.5 percent for U.S. priority products.
Establishment of a tariff rate quota (TRQ) system for imports of bulk commodities such as wheat, corn, cotton, barley and rice, which would also be shared by private traders, and specific regulations on how the TRQs would work would increase transparency in the process and help ensure increased imports.
The right to import and distribute products without having to go through state trading enterprises or intermediaries.
China also agreed to remove barriers to SPS that are not based on scientific evidence and to stop subsidizing agricultural exports.
2. Industrial Products
China committed to removing a wide range of institutional barriers to U.S. exports, such as restrictions on who can import goods and distribute them in China, as well as barriers such as quotas and licenses restricting imports of U.S. products.
3. Tariffs
Tariffs were reduced to an overall average of 9.4 percent and 7.1 percent for U.S.-preferred products.
China will participate in the Information Technology Agreement (ITA), which eliminates all tariffs on, for example, computers, telecommunications equipment, semiconductors, computer equipment and other high-tech products.
In the automotive sector, China will reduce tariffs from the current 100 or 80 percent to 25 percent by 2006, with the largest reductions to be made in the first few years of WTO accession. Tariffs on auto parts will be reduced by 2006 to an average of 10 percent.
China will also significantly reduce tariffs on timber and paper from the current 12 to 18 percent on timber and 15 to 25 percent on paper to about 5 to 7.5 percent.
China will also implement much of the Chemical Harmonization Initiative. Under the initiative, tariffs will be zero, 5.5 and 6.5 percent for various categories of products.
4. Elimination of quotas and licenses
WTO regulations prohibit quotas and other quantitative restrictions. China has agreed to phase out these restrictions over five years.
Quotas: China will eliminate existing quota restrictions on U.S. preferential rationing (e.g., fiber optic cables) into the Chinese market. China will phase out the remaining quotas roughly by 2002, but no later than 2005.
To ensure a gradual increase in market access and to minimize the impact of quantitative restrictions, quotas at current trade levels will be increased at a rate of fifteen percent per year.
Automobile quotas will be phased out by 2005. During this period, the base level quota will be six billion dollars (the level that precedes China's industrial automobile policy) and will increase by fifteen percent per year thereafter until it is eliminated.
5. Import and distribution rights
Trading rights and distribution rights are a priority part of manufacturing. Currently, China severely restricts trading rights (import and export rights) and distribution rights (wholesale, retail, repair, transportation, etc.). Under the agreement, China will for the first time provide trading and distribution rights to U.S. companies. Trading rights will be phased in over three years. Distribution rights will be implemented in even China's most restrictive distribution sectors, such as wholesale, transportation, and repair. China will provide both trading and distribution rights.
6. Services
China has committed to removing most foreign equity restrictions in all key services sectors (especially those with strong U.S. commercial interests) after a reasonable transition period, agreeing to participate in the Basic Communications and Financial Services Agreement (BCFSA), and not restricting U.S. service providers from accessing current markets.
Impact of WTO Accession on Shanghai's Economy
China's accession to the WTO will have a similar impact on the above industries in Shanghai. Overall, China's accession to the WTO will benefit Shanghai's exports, stimulate consumption and expand demand. However, it will have an unfavorable impact on Shanghai's high-tech and short-started industries, such as the automobile industry, as well as monopolistic industries, such as the telecommunication industry.
1. Impact on the development of Shanghai's three industries.
Accession to the WTO will have a negative impact on China's agriculture, and will bring a huge impact on Shanghai's agricultural development. However, the employees of primary industry in Shanghai account for 12% of the employees of the whole national economy, and the added value of primary industry accounts for about 2% of the GDP. Therefore, the negative impact of WTO accession on Shanghai's primary industry will have little effect on the whole national economy. Its main impact will be in the secondary and tertiary industries. WTO accession to Shanghai's secondary industry in the six pillar industries adversely affect the automobile manufacturing industry, biological and modern pharmaceutical industry. But the steel manufacturing industry, household appliances manufacturing industry is favorable. The impact on Shanghai's textile industry is favorable. It will speed up the recovery of the textile industry and increase employment. The impact on the third industry is the most important. Many industries in the tertiary sector is a new industry and monopoly industry, after joining the WTO, a large amount of foreign capital and management technology will enter these industries, which will not only promote the development of these industries, but also to the domestic enterprises in these industries will bring great challenges.
2. Impact on Shanghai's Tenth Five-Year Plan and 2015 economic development.
Because of China's accession to the WTO, it is gradually opening up its market. Many agreements will not be fully implemented until after 2005. Therefore, there is a certain impact on the "Tenth Five-Year Plan", but not too much. And the favorable impact is greater than the adverse impact." Tenth Five-Year Plan" after the negative impact will increase, but because of the five-year digestion time, the Chinese market will be more perfect, Chinese enterprises after fierce competition will be completely to the market. Therefore, the increased negative impact will not affect the development of China's economy too much. Thereafter to 2015, China's economy will be fully integrated with the world economy, China's accession to the WTO will be fully realized the favorable aspects.
In short, China's accession to the WTO is more favorable than unfavorable to Shanghai. Shanghai should make full use of the opportunities brought about by WTO accession and meet the challenges.
The impact of China's bonded areas
Beneficial aspects
l) "WTO" forced China's bonded areas to GATT/WTO free zones formulated the basic principles of convergence, that is to say, does not yet have "inside the country, outside the country" characteristics of China's bonded areas must be abolished tariffs and other trade restrictions to really reach the "inside the country, outside the country," the basic positioning. Otherwise, China's bonded area will violate the WTO principle of trade liberalization, and become an unorthodox, there are many trade barriers to the expansion of the bonded warehouse area, which has no future for development. China's bonded area only completely transformed into a free trade zone will have comprehensive development and prosperity, the bonded area can be accurately positioned in the "inside the customs", and realize the goods from the domestic market into the bonded area as exports, and to give export tax rebates. With China's entry into the WTO, the qualitative positioning of China's bonded zones in line with the international free trade zones can be truly resolved in accordance with the WTO system and laws.
2)Due to the implementation of GATT Article 5 "Freedom of Transit" provisions, transit transport, that is, now the bonded area of the re-export trade will be more convenient to the transit transport in addition to the implementation of appropriate customs clearance, should not be subjected to unnecessary delays or restrictions, and exempted from tariffs, transit tax, or other costs related to transit, this preference is not limited to the bonded area, the general general area is also applicable, but due to the majority of the bonded area of China's free trade areas. Apply, but because most of the free trade zones are in the vicinity of the port, free trade zones in this regard, the advantages of the more prominent, more to promote the realization of the integration of free trade zones and ports of action.
3) "WTO", to implement one of the results of the Uruguay Round negotiations, "Rules of Origin Agreement", in order to prevent the production of goods through the lower tariffs member states duty-free to the higher tariffs member states of the phenomenon. As in the NAFTA agreement, a uniform certificate of origin will be issued within the United States, Canada and Mexico, and only by obtaining a certificate of origin will goods be exempted from duty and permitted to circulate freely among the member countries of the agreement. The following two categories of goods can be obtained certificate of origin: ① goods are all produced in the territory of the member states; ② a few contain raw materials outside the region of goods, if these raw materials are processed in one of the member states, enough to change the original tariff categories, you can also get the certificate of origin. In addition, the local production content must reach a certain percentage, such as the transaction value method, the local value of goods content of not less than 60%; if the net cost method, the local value of goods content of not less than 50%.
This shows that the implementation of the rules of origin, the free trade zone to carry out export processing trade is very favorable, in the free trade zone processing of export products must be more than 50% of the value of local content, in order to issue certificates of origin, enjoy the preferential treatment of the Generalized System of Preferences and other categories of tax rules. It is expected that after the "WTO accession", investment in processing trade projects in the Free Trade Zone will increase, and even a new round of investment boom.
4) Due to the reduction of tariffs on agricultural and industrial products, the full liberalization of the right to trade in industrial products and the right to distribution, the exclusion of intermediaries, so that foreign direct wholesale, retail, after-sales service, maintenance, transportation, etc., the majority of non-tariff barriers must be eliminated within three years; the service sector in three years to gradually abolish the restriction on the right to distribution and in the field of telecommunications, insurance, professional services and tourism services, and so on. With the opening up agreement reached, the import and export trade of goods and service trade will have a greater development in the Free Trade Zone, because foreign enterprises in the zone will no longer go through intermediaries but can directly do domestic trade, and the volume of trade through the Free Trade Zone will have a greater increase, and the service trade will have a more favorable environment for its survival and development in the Free Trade Zone, especially due to the abolition of the restriction on the right of distribution, which will better promote the development of distribution functions in the Free Trade Zone. Especially due to the abolition of the restriction on distribution right, it can promote the development of the distribution function of the Free Trade Zone, and it is expected that the distribution centers in the Free Trade Zone will have a great improvement in both quantity and quality. Although, there is still a three-year transition period, the momentum of development in this area is bound to be good.
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Respondent: Big Pineapple sells bananas - Assistant Grade 2 6-5 10:14
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Respondent: Liu Jingying - Magic Apprentice Grade 1 6-5 10:16
Some of the chemical reactions in the body are different from those in the outside world, just as many medicines, the effect in the body is different. From a scientific point of view, the science in the laboratory is very different from the science in daily life. Therefore, there are a lot of claims circulating in our lives that seem to be well-founded, which are not pseudo-science, but are not serious, thorough, or proven science. I remember a book with a lot of contraindications for food combinations, some of which are proven, and many of which are just human guesses. Many of the combinations have been practiced for many years without any obvious side effects. The human body is a very complex environment, and the elements contained in food are very rich, according to the principles of chemical experiments, there is almost nothing for people to eat. So, it still depends on the person's reaction to the food, some people can eat some other people will have bad or allergic reaction, it will be different from person to person. I personally love to eat small onions with tofu without any discomfort, you can also feel it yourself. Some chemical reactions are different in the body and outside the body, as in the case of many medicines, the effect in the body is very different from the effect outside the body. From a scientific point of view, the science in the laboratory is very different from the science in daily life. Therefore, there are a lot of claims circulating in our lives that seem to be well-founded, which are not pseudo-science, but are not serious, thorough, or proven science. I remember a book with a lot of contraindications for food combinations, some of which are proven, and many of which are just human guesses. Many of the combinations have been practiced for many years without any obvious side effects. The human body is a very complex environment, and the elements contained in food are very rich, according to the principles of chemical experiments, there is almost nothing for people to eat. So, it still depends on the person's reaction to the food, some people can eat some other people will have bad or allergic reaction, it will be different from person to person. I personally love to eat small onions with tofu without any discomfort, you can also feel it yourself. Some chemical reactions are different in the body and outside the body, as in the case of many medicines, the effect in the body is very different from the effect outside the body. From a scientific point of view, the science in the laboratory is very different from the science in daily life. Therefore, there are a lot of claims circulating in our lives that seem to be well-founded, which are not pseudo-science, but are not serious, thorough, or proven science. I remember a book with a lot of contraindications for food combinations, some of which are proven, and many of which are just human guesses. Many of the combinations have been practiced for many years without any obvious side effects. The human body is a very complex environment, and the elements contained in food are very rich, according to the principles of chemical experiments, there is almost nothing for people to eat. So, it still depends on the person's reaction to the food, some people can eat some other people will have bad or allergic reaction, it will be different from person to person. I personally love to eat small onions with tofu, no discomfort, you can also feel some of the chemical reactions in the body and outside the body is different, as many drugs, the effect of the body and the effect of the body is very different. From a scientific point of view, the science in the laboratory is very different from the science in daily life. Therefore, there are a lot of claims circulating in our lives that seem to be well-founded, which are not pseudo-science, but are not serious, thorough, or proven science. I remember a book with a lot of contraindications for food combinations, some of which are proven, and many of which are just human guesses. Many of the combinations have been practiced for many years without any obvious side effects. The human body is a very complex environment, and the elements contained in food are very rich, according to the principles of chemical experiments, there is almost nothing for people to eat. So, it still depends on the person's reaction to the food, some people can eat some other people will have bad or allergic reaction, it will be different from person to person. I personally love to eat small onions with tofu, no discomfort, you can also feel it.