The brain rise and fall instrument (Encephalofuctuograph, referred to as EFG), also known as the neurotransmitter function detector, named for the analysis of neurotransmitters in the brain with the EEG ultra-slow wave dynamic change pattern (rise and fall).
Neurotransmitters and receptors act to produce potential changes in the postsynaptic membrane, and when the postsynaptic potential changes are integrated and transmitted to the scalp, an EEG signal is formed. There are 2 types of synaptic potentials: postsynaptic fast potentials and postsynaptic slow potentials. Slow postsynaptic potentials (sEPSP): last for seconds, minutes, or longer, and are converted to frequencies of a few millihertz to several hundred millihertz. Post-synaptic potentials appear as infraslow waves in brain waves. It has been confirmed that EEG infraslow wave changes are related to a variety of physiological phenomena and case states in the brain.
Because of the exaggerated propaganda of some hospitals, the brain infraslow map cloudy, in fact, the brain infraslow map truth how?
1. I come from neurology, working in a hospital, and have 4 years of clinical experience in this line. Doctors are suffering, and the reason why doctors don't post on the internet is because we don't do things that are not based on evidence, which will affect our professionalism and career!
2. I am the vice dean of a medical school, invited by my old friend. Nationally recognized qualifications: (/WS01/CL0055/10659.html see Article 40)
Forty, brain function testing system. Intended use of the product: through system dynamics analysis, quantization analysis and phase space analysis, etc., to extract the ultra-slow signal in the brain wave, reflecting the slow electrical activity of the transmitter-gated ion channels, and non-destructively obtain the neurotransmitter information. Meanwhile, it can detect the normal or pathological state of six neurotransmitters in the brain, so as to provide biochemical basis for the diagnosis of all kinds of brain diseases related to the alteration of transmitters in the brain. It is managed as a Class III medical device. Each testing device has patents and admission testing audits, some of which are very stringent. The article relies on the basis from a hospital's exaggerated propaganda and the author's unprofessional conjecture, even the sub-experiment report is not, not like from the hands of serious medical students. The reader is not aware of this!
3 You can read the article on Baidu Academic. When we write a paper, we usually do in vivo experiments and the conclusion is also very rigorous!
4 brain fall is the detection of neurotransmitter power changes, I have done before the application of the experiment. The test is factual and does not include treatment! Many experts have done many experiments about in vivo.
5 Electroencephalogram is electroencephalogram; EEG brain fall mapping instrument name from: due to the analysis of neurotransmitters in the brain and the dynamic pattern of EEG ultra-slow wave (fall) and got the name. EEG is a technology. In 2011, the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) named it "Encephalofluctuation" and approved it as a new medical fee item. (Encephalofluctuograph, abbreviation: EFG)
7. A few years ago, some hospitals because of private profit, so that the credibility of the hospital reduced. But their misinformation must not detract from the real utility of academics. Our hospital has an outpatient clinic as well as a pharmacology research center, and we are using brain-fall instruments to test for certain diseases! We into an instrument has a very strict audit and the relevant departments are also regulated!
8. Products in the research and development to the market, and then to the feedback. Especially medical devices have very strict control and conditions.
9. I studied at the University of logic, now seems to be a bit useful. To see if the brain can act neurotransmitters, 1), to see if the state has a market response to this, check the certification and industry qualifications, fees and charges for the project standard also 2) to see the certification of medical devices, medical devices stationed in hospitals have to be certified, and invention patents and utility models are also the feasibility of declaring the product. 3) Whether in the market has been formed, and industry standards! In summary, I think brain up and down role of neurotransmitters is true.
What does a Brain Rise and Fall chart look like?
How does the Brain Rise and Fall instrument work?
Neurotransmitters and EEG signals
According to the different frequencies, combined with our needs can be divided into:
fast wave (fast wave, greater than 1 Hz);
slow wave (slow wave, 0.2-1 Hz);
ultra-slow wave (infraslow wave, less than 0.2 Hz). 0.2 Hz).
China's Institute of Aerospace Medicine found that neurotransmitters correspond to the frequency of infraslow waves in brain waves, and each neurotransmitter corresponds to one frequency of infraslow waves.
Each neurotransmitter has a one-to-one correspondence (cryptographic relationship) with a specific frequency of ultra-slow waves. Through experiments, the codes of several common transmitters have now been deciphered, and they are:
(1) GABA --- 1mHz ultra slow wave;
(2) Glu --- 2mHz ultra slow wave;
(3) 5-HT --- 4mHz ultra slow wave;
(4) Ach --- 5mHZ ultra slow wave;
( 5) NE --- 7mhz ultra slow wave;
(6) DA --- 11mHz ultra slow wave.
By detecting the above ultra-slow wave spectra, the Brain Rise and Fall Mapper indirectly reflects the functional status of the corresponding neurotransmitter system in the brain, and the result of the detection is a comprehensive reflection of the level of transmitters in the brain, the status of the receptor (quantity, activity) and its interaction; rather than directly detecting the concentration of transmitters in the brain.
According to the correspondence between transmitters and EEG ultra-slow waves in the brain, the ultra-slow waves corresponding to each transmitter are extracted from the EEG signal, and then these ultra-slow waves are analyzed to obtain the functional aspects of the transmitters.
Note: EFG detects the function of the transmitter, i.e., the efficacy of the transmitter after it has bound to the receptor, not the concentration.
Process of neurotransmitter and EEG signaling
Neurotransmitter + receptor → change in nerve cell potential → formation of an EEG signal in the scalp.
A model for academic study of the brain-fall map:
Why has the brain-fall map been ignored and questioned?
The brain-fall map has been misrepresented due to unhealthy practices in some hospitals! A lot of hospitals portrayed the brain map as a method of treating diseases, but the brain map was used as the same as some other means of detection, only as a basis for clinical doctors to determine the disease! However, patients need to communicate with their doctors about whether their condition needs to be tested and how to effectively test it, so that the doctors can better understand their condition. The patient should also self-promote some of the test program of science and technology knowledge!
Students add fuel to the fire in unknown situations! Certain websites were previously reported to insult academia itself, and the group and related information has been suspended! Their companies have also been sued by the relevant authorities or experts and scholars for scientific authenticity. For example, the topic " was taken to court for "insulting civil science". The majority of contributors to the site are students! Because of the actual live experimental basis, so the articles are mostly from immature pictures and information. And the conclusion is contrary to the real situation!
The industry lacks an expert leader! Although the relevant departments of the medical industry offline regulation and online regulation are very strict, but as a medical in addition to the interests of hospitals and patients in addition to the third-party voice of the volume is not high, which also leads to the market is still both sides in the game.