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Four, tower installation procedures and requirements
1, foundation:
Fixed tower crane foundation is to ensure that the safe use of the tower crane necessary conditions, the foundation of this machine strictly refer to the "manual" foundation part of the instructions for construction. The foundation of this machine strictly refers to the instructions of "Foundation Part" for construction.
This project tower crane foundation foundation preparation for the use of natural foundations, the top of the foundation elevation -11.000, soil quality for the powdery clay layer, foundation bearing capacity of 180KN/M2, crane pit slope coefficient of 1:0.25.
Tower crane pit near the side of the slope of the two sides of the 240-thick MU10, M7.5 cement mortar brick retaining wall retaining wall, and the other two sides of the 1/2 thick MU10, M7.5 cement mortar red brick retaining wall. MU10, M7.5 cement mortar red brick retaining wall retaining wall; face are smeared 20 thick 1:2 cement mortar.
The tower crane foundation of this project adopts reinforced concrete independent column foundation, the center of the foundation is set between ⑤-axis to ⑦-axis and M-N-axis, and the elevation of the top of the foundation is -9.400, which is buried under the bearing platform, with specifications of (8.0-9.5)×8.0×1.5 thick (trapezoidal plane), and four piles are inlaid underneath it. C25 concrete (with early-strengthening agent), upper with Φ20@120 bidirectional reinforcement, lower with Φ25@120 bidirectional reinforcement, in the middle with Φ20@400 (each end of the 90 ° 10d bending hooks), the reinforcement along the direction of the length and width of the bi-directional distribution of the upper and lower layers of reinforcement tie;
Foundation concrete is poured in two layers, the first layer of pouring 800-thick, the upper 700, and so on, the fixed feet installed after the correction of the foundation surface after the reinforcement tie-up and then pouring. The construction sequence is: tower base line ---→ tower base pit earth excavation ---→ 100 thick C10 plain concrete bedding, pit retaining wall ---→ using a level meter in the pit wall around the measurement of the elevation line (
The 800 height and 1500 height are both at the same time, the first layer is poured in two layers. 800 high and 1500 high are driven level stakes) --→ foundation bottom reinforcement network binding --→ support horse stool and vertical and horizontal temporary fixed steel --→ vertical hook steel binding Pouring the first layer of 800-thick concrete ---→ leveling and compacting (with a level meter) ---→ paying attention to the maintenance ---→ casting the point and placing the line -→Laying the line at the casting point ---→ fixing the feet (after correction, weld them firmly with the steel mat) ---→ tying the reinforcement bars at the foundation surface ---→ pouring the foundation surface. 700 thick concrete (the second layer) [with two sets of latitude and longitude instrument, from two mutually perpendicular direction observation fixed foot has no offset] --→ attention to maintenance.
The tower is wearing the base plate of the second underground floor at the elevation of -8.3, and it is prepared to change the cross-section height of four floor beams such as JL-2 on the ⑤-axis and ⑦-axis, JL-3 on the M-axis, and JL-1 on the N-axis to 1,100, and the reinforcing bars and reinforcement positions are constructed according to the original drawing of the floor beams; when pouring concrete for the floor beams, the plain concrete with the same grade as that for the floor beams is poured under the floor beams of the original drawing at the same time and the floor beams are added to meet with the base surface of the tower crane. The additional ground beam intersected with the foundation surface of the tower crane. When pouring the crane foundation surface, at the centerline of the floor beam, use 30×30 pre-embedded wooden strips to leave a water-stopping joint.
At -8.3 elevation of the second basement floor, between ⑤-axis and ⑦, and between M-axis and N, the concrete will not be poured for the time being, and only in the inward side of the reserved holes of the peripheral plate of the beam, within the 350-thickness range of the plate, the upper Φ14@200 bi-directional and lower Φ14@200 bi-directional reinforcement bars of the peripheral plate of the beam will stick out of the beam for 350 lengths, while the upper Φ14@300 bi-directional and lower Φ14@300 bi-directional reinforcement bars of the peripheral plate of the beam will stick out of the beam for 180 lengths. After the tower crane is removed, we will support the mold, weld the reinforcement bars, and pour the micro-expansion concrete which is one grade higher than the original concrete according to the original design requirements.
The tower is wearing the -4.5 elevation of the top plate of the second underground floor, and it is prepared to move the 300×700 beam between ⑤ and ⑦ axes to the direction of ⑤ axis by 400, and the center of the beam is 1800 from the ⑤ axis and 2600 from the ⑦ axis, and the center of the foundation is 3650 from the axes of M to N.
The L9 and L10 on the axes of 1/M and 2/M are constructed according to the drawings, and the holes on the peripheral plates of the beam are only in the positions reserved for the peripheral plates. L9 and L10 on axis 1/M and axis 2/M are constructed according to the drawings, only on the inner side of the reserved holes of the peripheral slabs and within the 300-thickness of the slabs, the upper Φ16@150 and lower Φ14@150 of the peripheral slabs of the beams stick out of the beams for 350 lengths, and the additional upper Φ16@300 and lower Φ14@300 stick out of the beams for 180 lengths, and then, after the cranes are dismantled, we will set up the molds, weld the reinforcement bars, and pour the micro-expansion concrete of a level higher than that of the original concrete, according to the requirements of the original design.
2. Before installation, proofread the concrete base structure, check the concrete test report, and make sure the concrete grade is not lower than the factory's design requirements.
3. Fixed feet: 4 800-high fixed feet and 8 pins are needed; 1 fixed frame and 8 pins; 1 tower standard section; 1 plumb thallium and a leveling device.
a. Fixed feet must be installed symmetrically according to the centerline of the concrete foundation, with 40 thick steel plates underneath;
b. The tower body is made up of ∠200×20 angle steel and 600×600 see-square steel plates and other components to form the fixed feet;
c. It is mandatory to ensure that the fishtail plate is installed with an installation size of 150mm;
d. Fixed feet should be grounded correctly according to the electrical requirements;
e. Install the fixed foot and fixed frame together (the fixed frame is only for temporarily burying the fixed foot);
f. Place the fixed foot and fixed frame on the reinforcing steel bar, and adjust the position of the fixed foot with wooden wedges under the fixed foot support plate;
g. After the tower standard section is installed on the fixed frame, check the perpendicularity of the section in both directions;
g. Check the verticality of the tower standard section from both directions;
h.h. Pour the tower crane foundation concrete and remove the fixing frame and tower body standard section after it dries and hardens.
4. install the foundation and the second section, pay attention to the direction of the climbing claw, install the set frame, and install the operating platform on the set frame.
5, on the ground the slewing mechanism, the driver's room and the operating platform into a whole, and install the possible installation of electrical, and then this component will be lifted to the tower with the lock shaft connected to hit the insurance lock, in the process also have to pay attention to the direction.
6, lifting the top of the tower:
before lifting the top of the tower on the ground to install the platform escalator, and then the top of the tower to the slewing disk with pins and bolts fixed.
7, put together the balance arm and above the tie rod lifting mechanism. And connect the wires of the main winch, lift the main part of the balance arm, connect the balance arm tie rod with the top point of the tower with the pin, and connect the power supply.
8, in the positive direction of the tower (according to the site) assembled boom and tie rod pulley set, trolley towing mechanism, maintenance of the boom, with a car crane will be connected to the boom and the tower cap before the root, with the main winch will be pulled up the tie rod with the top point of the tower to connect.
9, assembly weight, according to the requirements of the drawings can not be misplaced, and finally with a screw to the counterweight block fixed.
10, connect the trolley power, wear winding up the wire rope.
11, the main tower is completed, check whether the structure of each place is secure, transmission mechanism (including wire rope, pulley) is normal. Electrical and safety devices for debugging, confirm that there is no error before adding section.
Fifth, the tower jacking procedures and requirements
1, jacking before the preparation:
(1) the standard section of the crane to the tower in the right direction of rows, the standard section of the pin holes of the pin to clean up, wipe the oil, cleaning and refueling test of the hydraulic station.
(2) Replace the jacking hook, lift down the introduction of the trolley, lift the first section of the tower, pay attention to the direction of the introduction of the track into the slewing disk and the tower to knock off the connecting pins, slewing in a braked state. Top up 15CM with a trolley introduced balance, so that the balance point falls on the jacking beam, 15 minutes later to see if the cylinder has slipped.
(3) In jacking, the verticality of the tower should be checked from two sides to avoid deviation of the distance between the tower and the building.
2, top work:
(1) After each part is normal, start jacking up, drop the pawls on both ends of jacking crossbeam on the lugs of the tower body, jack up the head part of the tower by 0.8 meters, drop the pawls on the set beam on the lugs of the tower body. Retract the cylinder jacking crossbeam hanging to the last pair of lugs, and then jack up the tower head part, pull up the set of frame pawl, when the oil is all stretched out about 1 meter and then on the set of frame pawl. And then withdraw the cylinder jacking beam pulled to the upper pair of lugs, and then top up the head part of the tower, pull up the set frame pawl, when the oil cylinder is all stretched out 1.5 meters. At this time, pay attention to not let the set frame roller washed out of the tower, set frame overhead pull into the introduction of the trolley so that the standard section in place, will be dialed to the down position of the lever, the standard section falls into the fishtail plate, with the pin shaft connected, and inserted safety pins to lock the standard section.
(2) Lift down the introduction of the trolley loaded standard section lifted into the track. Drive the trolley to the balance point take off the safety pin, repeat each (1) small section until the desired height. Use 8 pins to connect the rotary disk with the standard section before operation.
(3) the jacking process should be a person to open the hydraulic station, look at the pawl and lug. Wind speed greater than level 4 shall not be jacking. In the jacking process if the hydraulic system is abnormal, should immediately stop jacking, the tower head partially fall on the tower body pinned, more than the free height should be buried in advance buried parts, and attached.
3, tower body attachment
(1) the tower by the factory to provide a fixed frame attached to the composition of the gusset and pre-embedded parts by the factory to provide drawings of their own processing.
(2) The project is expected to be installed at a height of 70 meters, only one attachment is required, which is determined at a height of 30 meters.
(3) The vertical distance from the center of the tower to the building is 3.5-5M depending on the actual situation.
(4) The error of the horizontal plane of the attachment pole shall not exceed 200MM.