One, China's foreign trade control can be divided into several categories?
Two types of control: 1. Economic control: the price, market entry and launch conditions, service standards and other controls. For example, utility control, telephone, natural gas, water. 2. Social regulation: this type of regulation is used to protect the environment, as well as the health and safety of labor and consumers. Its provisions can be used to correct the various consequences and externalities caused by economic activity. Examples include cleaning the air and water, and ensuring nuclear safety.Two, the main content of China's foreign trade control system is as follows:
China's foreign trade control system is by the import and export licensing system (including goods, technology in and out of the "licensing and business licensing), foreign trade operators management system, entry-exit inspection and quarantine system, import and export of goods and remittance management system, foreign trade relief measures and customs supervision. Foreign trade remedies, as well as customs supervision and other related management system is a comprehensive system. It mainly includes the following:Goods, technology import and export licensing system
Import and export licensing system as a non-tariff measures, is a common means of management of import and export of the world's countries, in international trade is widely used. In China, for those who belong to the national import and export licensing management scope of goods and technologies (regularly by the State Council under the relevant departments to develop, adjust and publish directories), according to the law to obtain import and export licenses is the necessary conditions for the import and export of these goods or technologies. At the same time, the relevant state authorities for some special import and export commodities, such as the import and export of endangered wild animals and plants, the export of sensitive items and technologies, the import and export of medicines and medicinal herbs, the export of cultural relics, the import and export of gold and its products, the import and export of audio-visual products, and the import of wastes, etc., require prior application for authorization documents or certificates of authorization. These licenses and approvals, as documents permitting the import and export of the relevant goods or technologies, must be submitted to the Customs for inspection when declaring the goods or technologies, otherwise, the Customs will not release them. China's import and export of goods and technology licenses and approval documents on the management of the scope. Content and management procedures, constituting China's goods and technology import and export licensing system. Import and export licensing system is not only the core management system of China's foreign trade control, but also one of the main ways to achieve China's foreign trade control.(a) China's goods import and export licensing system and its scope
China's goods import and export licensing management system, including the management of the scope of prohibited imports and exports of goods, import and export restrictions on goods and part of the implementation of the automatic import and export licensing management of free imports and exports of goods, which restriction of imports and exports of goods as the main body.1, the scope of prohibited imports and exports of goods and its management
China's government expressly prohibited the import and export of goods, including: listed in the State Council department in charge of foreign trade or in conjunction with the State Council departments concerned to formulate, adjust and publish the "prohibited import and export of goods directory". Commodities, the relevant state laws and regulations expressly prohibit the import and export of goods, as well as other reasons to stop the import and export of goods.(1), prohibited imports:
Included in the "catalog of prohibited imports" of goods. At present, China's published catalog of prohibited imports of goods *** five batches, of which; - the State formulated the "catalog of prohibited imports of goods" (the first batch) is from China's national conditions, in order to fulfill the country's conclusion or participation in a series of international treaties and agreements related to the protection of the world's natural ecological environment and issued, the purpose of which is to To protect our natural ecological environment and ecological resources. For example, the State prohibits the import of carbon tetrachloride, which is an ozone-depleting substance, and the import of rhinoceros horns and tiger bones, which belong to the scope of management of the world's endangered species. -- "Prohibited Imports of Goods Catalog" (the second batch) are old mechanical and electrical products, is the state involved in production safety (pressure vessels), personal safety (electrical appliances, medical equipment) and environmental protection (automobiles, engineering, and vehicle and ship machinery) of the old mechanical and electrical products implemented by the ban on import management.-, "prohibited imports of goods catalog" (the third, fourth and fifth batch) is related to the environmentally contaminated solid waste category, including municipal garbage, medical waste, lead, oil sludge and other 13 types of waste.
Second, the relevant state laws and regulations expressly prohibit the import of goods
third, other goods. For example:
-- Stop the import of automobiles with cFc 12 as the refrigeration medium and cFc ~ 12 as the refrigeration medium of automobile car air-conditioning compressor (including car air conditioner). - Stop importing cars with right-handed steering wheel. - Stop the import of Japanese clothing, domestic watches re-imported, blood products such as factor VIII preparations, black toothpaste and so on.(2), the ban on the export of goods:
First, the inclusion of the "catalog of prohibited exports of goods" goods. At present, China's published catalog of prohibited goods for export refers to the "catalog of prohibited goods for export" (the first batch) and "prohibited goods for export catalog" (the second batch). - The State formulated the Catalogue of Goods Prohibited for Export (the first batch) from the national conditions of our country, in order to fulfill a series of international treaties and agreements related to the protection of the world's natural ecological environment concluded by our country or to which we are a party, and issued it with the purpose of protecting the natural ecological environment and ecological resources of our country. For example, the State prohibits the export of carbon tetrachloride, which is a substance that destroys the ozone layer; the export of rhinoceros horns and tiger bones, which belong to the category of the management of the world's endangered species; and the export of hair, which has the effect of preventing wind and rounding sand, which has the effect of preventing wind and rounding sand. The export of plants such as "hairy vetch" and "ephedra", which have the effect of preventing wind and sand, is prohibited. - The State formulated the Catalog of Prohibited Goods for Export (the second batch) mainly for the protection of China's scarce forest resources, to prevent indiscriminate deforestation. For example, it is prohibited to export charcoal in the form of sticks with cross-section diameter >4cm and length >lOcrr.Second, the relevant state laws and regulations expressly prohibit the export of goods. For example, according to the "Chinese People's *** and State Wild Plant Protection Regulations", it is prohibited to export unnamed or newly discovered wild plants with important value.
Third, other goods, such as the ban on the export of labor reform products and other individual provisions.
Since the goods are included in the ban on the import and export of the list, any foreign trade operators have been granted the right to import and export business by the state shall not import and export such goods without authorization. According to the relevant provisions of the ban on the import and export of the country, the state foreign trade authorities and the competent authorities in charge of the entry and exit of goods have the responsibility and obligation in the entire process of entry and exit of goods, in violation of the ban on the entry and exit of H goods in accordance with the law to investigate and take effective measures to carry out the necessary precautions. For example, according to the provisions of China's Customs Law, China's Customs in the process of supervision and control of the entry and exit of goods, once found suspected of violating the provisions of the state ban on the import and export of goods, have the right to take administrative measures such as detention, confiscation and so on.2, restrictions on the scope of import and export of goods and their management
(1), restrictions on the specific scope of import and export of goods. According to China's "Foreign Trade Law," the provisions of Article XVI, belonging to one of the circumstances described in the article of the goods, by the state to implement restrictions on the import and export.
For goods subject to import and export restrictions, the state through the relevant catalog to delineate or adjust the specific scope of such goods. The People's Republic of China Regulations on the Administration of the Import and Export of Goods of the People's Republic of China clearly stipulates that: the catalog of goods subject to import and export restrictions shall be formulated and adjusted by the competent department of foreign trade under the State Council in conjunction with the relevant economic management department of the State Council and announced within a certain period of time prior to the implementation of the regulations.(2), restrictions on the management of import and export goods. China's restrictions on the management of import and export goods according to its restrictions are mainly divided into two kinds: import and export quota restrictions and import and export non-quota restrictions. In addition, our country also stipulates that, in order to fulfill the textile bilateral agreements, for the export of textiles to restricted countries under the agreement to implement passive quota restrictions.
Through the above reading of the above article, I believe that we can be divided into several categories of China's foreign trade control has a general understanding of the content. Foreign trade control system is designed to protect the rights and interests of China's economic and trade, regulate China's foreign trade behavior. So for organizations and individuals engaged in foreign trade activities, it is necessary to understand this system.