How to stop bleeding without a band-aid

It's been so long, the bleeding should have stopped by now. I hope you feel better soon. I hope you'll feel better soon. I thought I'd send you an article about family first aid, which is about stopping the bleeding. If you're interested, take a look at it, it's a great way to increase your knowledge.

One, foreign objects into the eyes

Any small object or liquid, even a grain of sand or a drop of detergent into the eyes, will cause eye pain, or even damage to the cornea.

First aid: Start by blinking hard and often to wash the foreign object out with tears. If that doesn't work, pinch your eyelids up and rinse your eyes under the faucet. Be sure to remove your contact lenses.

Absolute prohibition: no rubbing of the eye; a foreign body, no matter how small, can scratch the cornea and cause an infection. If the foreign object enters deeper into the eye, then be sure to seek immediate medical attention from a doctor.

Brighten the alarm: If a corrosive liquid splashes into your eyes, you must go to the hospital immediately; if your eyes are still uncomfortable after self-treatment, with burning, edema or blurred vision, you need to ask your doctor to treat it with professional equipment, so don't act recklessly.


Sprain occurs when the ligaments around a joint are stretched beyond their capacity, and is usually accompanied by bruising and edema.

First aid: Within 24 hours of the sprain, try to apply a cold compress with an ice pack every hour for half an hour. Wrap the injury in an elastic compression bandage and keep the area elevated. 24 hours later, start switching to hot packs to promote blood flow to the injured area.

Absolutely forbidden: You can't move the injured joint at will, otherwise it is easy to cause ligament tears and relatively difficult to recover.

Bright Alert: If after a few days of self-treatment and rest, the affected area is still painful and immobile, then it may be a fracture, muscle strain, or ligament rupture, and you need to go to the hospital immediately.

Three, nosebleeds

Nosebleeds are caused by the rupture of blood vessels in the nasal cavity, and the blood vessels in the nose are all very fragile, so nosebleeds are also a relatively common minor accident.

First aid: Lean forward slightly and pinch the cartilage area below the bridge of the nose with your fingers for about 5-15 minutes.

If available, placing a small ice pack on the bridge of the nose also has the effect of quickly stopping the bleeding.

Absolutely forbidden: Tilting your head back with force will cause the nosebleed to flow into the mouth, and some of the blood will inevitably be sucked into the lungs in a panic, which is neither safe nor hygienic.

Brighten the alarm: If a nosebleed continues for 20 minutes and doesn't stop, the patient should go to the hospital right away and ask for medical help. If the nosebleeds are too frequent and unexplained, or are accompanied by other symptoms such as headaches, ringing in the ears, loss of vision and dizziness, it's important to go to the hospital as well, because it could be a concussion or a trauma to the brain.

Four, scalded

Scalded is divided into three levels: first-degree scalded will cause the skin to redden and tingle; second-degree scalded after the occurrence of visible blisters; third-degree scalded will lead to the skin breakout and black.

First aid: once the scald, immediately placed in the scalded parts of the flow of water rinse or cold towels with cold compresses, if the scalded area is large, the injured person should be immersed in the whole body in a bathtub full of cold water. Gauze or a bandage can be wrapped loosely around the burn to protect the wound.

Absolutely forbidden: Ice should not be used to treat burns, as it can damage already broken skin and cause the wound to worsen. Don't break the blisters or you'll be left with a scar. And don't just put antibiotic ointment or grease on the wound, as these sticky substances can easily stain with dirt.

Bright Alert: Be sure to seek medical attention for third-degree burns, electrocution burns and burns from chemicals. In addition, if the patient has a cough, watery eyes or trouble breathing, they need medical expertise. Second-degree burns that are larger than the palm of the hand should also be seen by the patient in the hospital, where professional treatment can avoid scarring.

Five, choking

The real choking rarely happens in real life, choking on water or choking on food is generally not considered choking. When choking occurs, the patient will not have a strong cough, cannot speak or breathe, and his face will turn red or blue-purple for a short period of time.

First aid: First, call an ambulance. While waiting for the ambulance, you need to take the following measures: let the patient's body lean forward, and use the palm of your hand to pat the patient's back in the middle of the shoulders. If it does not work, then you need to stand behind the patient, with a fist against the patient's abdominal back, with the other hand to hold that fist, up and down to push hard to push out five times, to help the patient to breathe. Patients can also take this self-help measure: Press their abdomen against a hard object, such as a kitchen countertop, and then squeeze their abdomen hard enough to make whatever is stuck in their throat pop out.

Absolute no-no: Don't give water or other food to a patient who is coughing.

Bright Alert: Whenever choking occurs, an ambulance needs to be called quickly to rescue the patient.

VI. Poisoning

Poisoning that occurs in the home is usually due to accidental ingestion of cleaning and washing products, carbon monoxide inhalation or insecticide ingestion.

First aid: If the patient is already confused or has difficulty breathing, you should quickly call an ambulance and be prepared to answer the following questions: what substance was ingested or inhaled, how much, the patient's weight, age and the time of poisoning.

ABSOLUTELY PROHIBITED: Not calling an ambulance until symptoms appear often delays treatment. While waiting for help, don't give the patient anything to eat or drink, and don't attempt to help the patient induce vomiting, as some toxic substances can injure other organs in the process of being spit out.

Bright Alert: Whenever poisoning occurs, an ambulance needs to be called quickly to rescue the patient.

Seven, head "attack"

The skull itself is very hard, so the general external force will rarely cause skull damage. If the external force is too strong, the neck, back, head of the fragile blood vessels have become "victims".

First aid: If you have a bag on your head, apply an ice pack to the affected area to reduce edema. If the head after being smashed began to bleed, the disposal of the same way and was cut in the same way, that is, with a clean towel to press the wound to stop the bleeding, and then go to the hospital to sew up the wound, and check whether there is internal injuries. If the smashed person faints, then you need to call an ambulance to take him to the hospital quickly, without a moment's delay.

Absolute prohibition: do not let the injured person sleep alone. Within 24 hours of being smashed, someone must be with the injured person. If the injured person falls asleep, then the injured person should be woken up every three hours and asked to answer a few simple questions to make sure that the injured person is not in a coma and does not have an intracranial injury, such as a concussion.

Bright Alert: When the injured person experiences convulsions, dizziness, vomiting, nausea, or noticeable abnormal behavior, he or she needs to be admitted to the hospital immediately.

Eight, fried

1, if fried eyes, do not go rubbing and messy rinse, up to the appropriate amount of anti-inflammatory eye drops into the eye, and lie down, call 120 or rushed to a hospital with conditions.

2, such as the hands or feet by firecrackers and other blast injuries bleeding, should be quickly with both hands for the top of the bleeding parts of the card, such as Yunnan Baiyao powder or panax ginseng powder can be sprinkled to stop bleeding. If the bleeding is not only a large amount, the application of rubber bands or coarse cloth tied above the bleeding part, elevate the affected limb, and urgently sent to the hospital for trauma treatment. However, the bandage should be loosened every 15 minutes to avoid ischemic necrosis of the affected area.

Nine, finger cuts

1, if the bleeding is small and the injury is not serious, can be cleaned after the band-aid over the wound. Do not advocate in the wound on the application of red potion or bleeding powder and other drugs, as long as the wound can be kept clean.

2. If the wound is large and bleeding, you should stop the bleeding first and then rush to the hospital immediately. Specific methods to stop the bleeding is: the wound with a clean gauze bandage, pinch both sides of the root of the finger and raised over the heart, because the blood vessels are distributed in the left and right sides, to take this gesture can effectively stop the bleeding. The use of rubber tourniquet will be more effective, but be careful, every 20-30 minutes must relax the tourniquet for a few minutes, otherwise easy to cause ischemic necrosis of the finger.

Ten, cerebral hemorrhage

First aid mnemonic: head to the side

Typical symptoms: a history of high blood pressure, due to the sudden drop in temperature or emotional excitement, suddenly slurred speech or even coma.

1, family members should restrain their feelings, do not in order to wake up the patient and shouting or violently shaking the coma, otherwise it will only make the condition deteriorate rapidly.

2, the patient lying flat on the bed, due to elevated brain pressure, such patients are very prone to projectile vomiting, such as not timely removal of vomit, may lead to cerebral hemorrhage coma due to vomit blockage of the airway suffocation and death. Therefore, the patient's head must be turned to the side so that the vomit can flow out of the mouth.

3, family members can use ice packs or cold towels on the patient's forehead to help stop bleeding and reduce brain pressure.

XI, alcohol poisoning

1, for the unconscious, to ensure that the airway is open.

2. If the patient vomits, immediately place him or her in a stable lateral position to allow the vomit to flow out.

3. Keep the patient warm, especially if wet and cold.

4. Check respiration, pulse and degree of responsiveness, and use CPR immediately if necessary.

5. Place the patient in the stabilized lateral position, monitor the condition closely, and check and record respiration, pulse, and degree of response every 10 minutes.

Twelve, hemorrhagic shock

First aid mnemonic: close observation, to prevent blood loss.

Typical symptoms: massive blood loss due to accidents, blood pressure is zero.

1, for the shock patient must pay attention to, in the stretcher to the rescue place, the patient's head should be close to the back of the stretcher lifting people, so as to facilitate the shock people at any time close observation, in order to cope with the deterioration of the condition.

2, in the patient to the hospital on the way, the patient's head should be facing the opposite direction of the transportation (ambulance, aircraft, etc.), so as to avoid the acceleration of the patient's brain caused by further blood loss.

3, such as shock is a big month pregnant women, should let her take the side position, otherwise the fetus and the huge uterus will compress blood vessels, resulting in a decrease in the amount of return blood, aggravate shock.

Thirteen, scalded

1, with cold water local cooling 10 minutes.

2. Cover with a clean, moist dressing.

3, when the injury is swollen, remove the watch, bracelet, ring, etc., the dressing gently fixed bandage, be careful not to be too tight.

4, on the opposite side of the injury tied to the bandage.

Fourteen, burn treatment

1, if the burn burn at the skin is still intact, should be as soon as possible local cooling. If it will be placed under the faucet rinse for about 10 minutes. This will take away local tissue heat and reduce a step damage.

2, use a piece of loose, moist, preferably sterilized pad to wrap the injury. Be careful not to make it too tight.

3. If the skin has been burned, cover it with a clean pad to protect the injury and reduce the risk of infection.

Fifteen, stomach perforation

First aid mnemonic: lying towards the left side.

Typical symptoms: gastric ulcer patients, sudden onset of intolerable severe abdominal pain, and abdominal hardness and distension, that is very likely to sudden gastric perforation.

Gastric ulcer patients are susceptible to gastric perforation due to emotional fluctuations or after overeating during the Chinese New Year, and the possibility of gastric perforation should be taken into account as soon as the above symptoms occur. Before the ambulance arrives, you should do the following:

1, don't cover your stomach and roll around, you should lie on the left side of the bed. The reason is that most of the perforation sites are located on the right side of the stomach. Lying on the left side of the bed can effectively prevent stomach acid and food from flowing further into the abdominal cavity and exacerbating the condition.

2, if the paramedics can not arrive in time, but there are some simple medical equipment on the scene, the patient can self-insertion of gastric tube. Specific method: Insert the tube into the nostril, to the throat, and swallow hard while breathing, to swallow the tube into the stomach. Then use a syringe to draw out the contents of the stomach, which can reduce the degree of infection in the abdominal cavity, for the patient to win the treatment time, remember this time the patient must also be lying on the left side.

Sixteen, fishbone stuck in the voice

1, the implementation of abdominal compression (if the patient is pregnant or obese, then the implementation of chest compression). If the patient can't stand up, put him/her on a solid surface, sit across the patient's legs and push the abdomen five times, and then check whether there is a foreign body to be coughed up.

3. If you dig out a foreign body with your fingers, do so only when you can see the foreign body and not blindly.

Seventeen, gas poisoning

Mild poisoning, the patient felt dizzy, tired, nausea, vomiting, pale. Severe poisoning, breathing difficulties, convulsions, coma. First aid is: immediately open the doors and windows, move the patient to the air circulation, unbutton the patient's clothes to make breathing fluent, pay attention to keep warm to prevent the formation of pneumonia. Mild poisoning, you can give him hot tea, for deep breathing, quickly sent to the hospital rescue.

Eighteen, wood thorns

Note that there is no wood thorns remaining in the wound, due to wood thorns and other residual may make the wound pus, the wound is often deep and narrow, more conducive to the invasion of tetanus bacteria reproduction and infection, so it is necessary to take out the foreign body, to eliminate the potential for trouble.

After the finger is pierced into the wooden splinter, if the splinter is indeed pulled out completely, the wound can be gently squeezed again to squeeze out the stasis in the wound to reduce the chance of wound infection. Then iodine disinfect the surrounding area of the wound once, and then rub it with alcohol 2 times, and wrap it with sterilized gauze. If there is a splinter in the wound, after disinfecting the area around the wound, the splinter can be removed completely with forceps sterilized by burning or rubbing with alcohol. If the exposed part of the splinter is very short and the tweezers can't hold it, a sterilized needle can be used to pick open the outer skin of the wound, expand the wound appropriately, so that the splinter can be exposed as much as possible, and then the splinter can be gently pulled out with tweezers, and the wound can be sterilized once again and then bandaged with clean gauze. In order to prevent the wound from becoming inflamed, it is best to take 2 tablets of Neurontin 2 times a day, for 3-5 days. If the splinter goes into the nail, you should go to the hospital and have the physician cut the nail into a V-shape before pulling out the splinter.

Remember! Deep splinters should be injected with tetanus antitoxin (TAT) as a precautionary measure.

Nineteen, foreign objects in the eyes

Dust, coal dust, grain, metal shavings and other foreign objects squinting in the eyes, suddenly the eyes can not open, tears, pain, fear of light, a sense of foreign body, very difficult, in a hurry, with the hands of the rubbing squeezed, and would like to rub out the foreign body. In fact, this is not a good idea. Because the foreign body in the eye after rubbing and squeezing may damage the fragile and sensitive cornea, resulting in corneal ulcers, infections, affecting vision. Rubbing will also cause eye congestion and conjunctival edema. At the same time, there are many bacteria on your hands, and rubbing your eyes will bring them into your eyes and cause inflammation.

Twenty, nail frustration

1, nail was squeezed off, the most important thing is to prevent bacterial infection. Emergency treatment, the road first squeeze off the nails of the fingers, gauze, bandage fixed, and then cold bag cold compress. Then elevate the injured limb and go to the hospital immediately.

2, nail crack bleeding, available honey to half of warm water, stirring, wipe several times a day, you can gradually cure. If the nail rupture is a ball player, during the treatment period, if you need to continue to play, before playing, be sure to use a rubber bandage will be the end of the finger wrapped 2-3 layers, to protect, and immediately removed after playing, so as not to cause infection.

3, if due to trauma caused by bleeding under the nail bed, the blood did not flow out, so that the root of the nail bed bulging, the pain is unbearable can not sleep, can be near the root of the nail with a red-hot sewing needle a small hole, the blood will be discharged, disinfected pressure bandage nails.

Twenty-one, cardiac arrest

Cardiac arrest suggests that the heart suddenly stops beating, the aortic pulsation and heart sound disappears, vital organs such as the brain severe ischemia, hypoxia, resulting in the termination of life. This unexpected and sudden death is also known as sudden death in medicine.

The most common cause of cardiac arrest is ventricular fibrillation. If the patient does not respond to the call, the pressure on the supraorbital and infraorbital unresponsive, you can determine that the patient has been in a coma. Then pay attention to observe the patient's chest and abdomen with or without undulation breathing movement. If you touch the carotid artery and femoral artery without pulsation, the precordial area can not hear the heartbeat, can be determined that the disease has a cardiac arrest.

Twenty-two, first aid measures

Cardiac arrest rescue must be scrambled, do not wait for the ambulance to arrive and then sent to the hospital for treatment. To immediately take the following first aid measures for cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

1, percussion of the precordial area: one hand rests on the back of the patient's neck upward, and the other hand presses the patient's forehead backward and slightly pushes, so that the lower jaw upward, the head tilted back, is conducive to ventilation. Use the fleshy part of the bottom of the fist, above the middle part of the sternum, 20-30 centimeters away from the chest wall, suddenly and quickly pounding once. If there is no response, do chest heart compressions immediately. Let the patient's back cushion a hard board, and do mouth-to-mouth artificial respiration at the same time. Observe the patient's pupils, if the pupils narrow (is the most sensitive, most meaningful signs of life), face, mouth and lips turn red, indicating that the rescue is effective.

2, acupuncture Renzhong point or the heart of the hand of the Laogong point, the heart of the foot Yongquan point, play a role in resuscitation.

3, quickly pull out the pharyngeal vomit, so as not to block the airway or backflow into the lungs, causing asphyxia and aspiration pneumonia.

4, the head of the ice pack to cool down.

5, rush to the hospital for treatment.

Twenty-three, alcohol poisoning

Alcohol poisoning is due to the intake of too much ethanol (alcohol) drinks caused by the central nervous system after the inhibition of excitation disorder. Generally can be self-cured, very few serious cases can be due to respiratory and circulatory failure and death.

Endangered state coma, frequent convulsions, shallow and slow respiration, slow heart rate, heartbeat weakness, blood pressure drop. The respiratory heartbeat is so irregular that it stops.

First-aid measures:

First of all, for mild poisoning, we should stop him from continuing to drink; secondly, we can find some pears, water chestnuts, watermelon and other fruits for him to relieve alcohol; we can also stimulate the throat (e.g., chopsticks, etc.) to induce the vomiting reflex, and vomit out the wine and other gastric contents as soon as possible (this is not suitable for the patients who are already in a stupor), and then we should arrange for him to take a bed rest and pay attention to warmth and avoiding vomiting. Pay attention to keep warm and avoid obstruction of the respiratory tract by the vomit; observe the respiratory and pulse conditions, if there is nothing special, the patient can recover on his own after waking up. If the patient after bed rest, there is a rapid pulse, slow breathing, cold, wet skin, irritability phenomenon, then should be sent to the hospital immediately for treatment.

Severe acute alcohol poisoning, there will be irritability, lethargy, dehydration, convulsions, shock, respiratory weakness and other symptoms, should be sent to the hospital quickly emergency. Note: It is not appropriate to use coffee and strong tea to relieve alcohol .

[Recommended] Cutting bleeding method heat ★★★★★

Cutting bleeding method

Author: Liu Qisheng Article Source: Original Clicks:454 Updated:2007-7-4 23:32:41

By the knife or kitchen knife cuts and a large amount of bleeding, the acupressure and tourniquet method of hemostasis.

● Stopping bleeding from knife cuts

When you are cut or stabbed by a knife, kitchen knife or other sharp instrument, at first glance, it seems like the injury is very serious. The blood will keep flowing, but there is no need to worry. Although the sight of blood can cause panic, you should remain calm. If a cut is bleeding, flush the wound with clean water if it is not clean. Also, wrap the wound in gauze in order to protect it. If the blood is oozing slowly, wrap the gauze slightly thicker and tie a tight bandage around the injury. The bleeding can then be stopped by placing the affected area higher than the heart. If this does not stop the bleeding, or if blood is gushing out, call an ambulance. Before the ambulance arrives, press down on the blood vessels close to the heart, and then apply the following acupressure:

1. Finger bleeding -- press down on both sides of the injured finger with your other hand.

2. Bleeding from the hand or elbow -- use four fingers to apply pressure to the muscle that rises on the inside of the upper arm. If the bleeding continues, it is because the bleeding blood vessels have not been pressed, so you should change the position of the fingers and do it again.

3. Bleeding from the upper arm or armpit -- in this case, you must rely on a third party to help you, and use your thumb to press downward and inward on the subclavian recess.

4. Bleeding from the feet and shins - a third person is also needed in this case. The patient lies on his back, feet slightly elevated, the rescuer with two thumbs to press the patient's groin, waist, pubic between the blood vessels.

●The use of a tourniquet

The above acupressure method cannot be used for a long period of time, but if you let go of your hand, blood will continue to flow. It is best to use a tourniquet to stop the bleeding before receiving treatment from a doctor. This is done by tying a handkerchief or rubber tube around the blood vessels of the wound near the heart and then twisting it with a rod to stop the bleeding. However, if the tourniquet is used for more than two hours, the blood will not circulate in the area where it is tied and the tissue will be necrotic. Therefore, the tourniquet must be loosened every 20 to 40 minutes.

●Pressure method

Another method is for the doctor to use sterilized gauze and insert it into the wound to apply pressure. If the gauze is filled correctly, the bleeding can be stopped. If sterilized gauze is not available, it can be replaced with a clean cloth if possible.

●Other precautions

When a wound becomes pus-filled, it is not easy to heal, and it will be ugly after healing, so you can disinfect the area around the wound with hydrogen peroxide after stopping the bleeding, but it is not necessary to apply it to the wound. As for red mercury, it is better not to use it. In addition, the wound into the foreign body, in order to avoid pus, or their own better not to casually take out, should ask the doctor to help. Tape, gauze, bandages, it is best not to stick directly on the wound.