(1) Maternal factors
Nutritional infertility: rabbits are deficient in a variety of nutrients, especially the lack of sugar and protein will be malnutrition, the whole body of energy and metabolism is impaired, resulting in infertility.
Vitamin deficiency and lack of infertility: affect the body's protein synthesis, resulting in stagnant growth and development, uterine mucosal epithelial degeneration, so that the female rabbits do not appear to ovulate and estrus; can make the uterine contraction function is weakened, the ovulation has been destroyed, so that a long period of time does not heat caused by infertility; calcium and phosphorus metabolism abnormalities caused by infertility; can be caused by the interruption of pregnancy, stillbirths, weak fetuses and cryptic abortion, long-term deficiency can make the ovaries and the uterus, the uterus and the uterus, and the lack of the uterus. The lack of can make the ovary and uterine mucosa degeneration, resulting in long-lasting infertility.
Calcium and phosphorus and other minerals insufficient infertility: calcium and phosphorus and other minerals are insufficient, can make the organs of the disorder, especially the reproductive organs of the dysfunction leads to infertility.
Infertility due to overfatting: When feeding too much protein, fat and carbohydrate feed for a long time and not enough exercise, the female rabbit can be overfattened, making the ovary and oviduct fat deposition, follicular epithelial degeneration and resulting in non-estrus or estrus but repeated infertility.
Environmental infertility: the reproductive system has a close relationship with sunlight, humidity, temperature, changes in feed composition and other external factors, when there is insufficient light or a sudden change in the environment, it can cause the female rabbits not to oestrus, infertility.
Mating and technical infertility: mainly due to unskilled artificial insemination techniques, missing the opportunity to breed and resulting in infertility.
Infertility caused by abnormal development of reproductive organs: i.e. congenital infertility, such as malformation of reproductive organs, vaginal occlusion or overdevelopment of urethral flap, uterine underdevelopment lack of cervix, horns and so on.
Infertility caused by diseases of reproductive organs: tubal insufficiency, ovarian inflammation, ovarian cysts, endometritis, uterine pus storage, inflammation of the vagina and pubic area.
Infertility caused by certain infectious diseases: such as syphilis, listeria, tuberculosis. (2) Factors of male rabbits
Nutritional infertility: Infertility caused by insufficient intake of feed and reduced intake of various nutrients.
Environmental infertility: change of environment or external interference can cause reactive inhibition of libido.
Disease infertility: such as syphilis, cryptorchidism, testicular atrophy, orchitis, parotitis, urethritis, etc. can cause lack of libido, mating difficulties, semen quality caused by poor infertility.
Artificial insemination technical infertility: artificial insemination, improper handling of sperm or artificial insemination technology application unskilled caused by infertility.