What is ppsu made of ppsu what is ppsu made of and pp

PPSU scientific name polyphenylsulfone resin, is a very transparent, with high hydrolytic stability of the amorphous hidden plastic. The bottles made of this material have the permeability of glass bottles, the lightweight and drop-resistant nature of plastic bottles, and the absence of BPA, which is harmful to infants, making it an ideal bottle material that can withstand repeated steam sterilization. It is often used in the electrical and electronic industry to manufacture integrated circuit boards, coil holders, contactors, sleeves, capacitor films, and high-performance alkaline battery cases.

1, basic characteristics

PPSU is a slightly amber-colored linear polymer. In addition to strong polar solvents, it is stable to common acids, alkalis, salts, alcohols, fatty hydrocarbons and so on. Partially soluble in ester ketone aromatic hydrocarbons, soluble in halogenated hydrocarbons DM. the material is rigid, good toughness, but also high temperature, heat oxidation resistance, good creep resistance, resistance to corrosion of inorganic acids, alkalis, salt solutions, non-toxic, insulating, easy to molding and processing.

2, use

PPSU is suitable for the manufacture of heat-resistant parts, insulating parts, wear parts, instrumentation parts and medical equipment parts. It is used in household appliances for microwave oven equipment, hair dryers, beverage and food tableware, milk bottles and so on. In addition, it can also be used in precision structures such as watches, copiers, and cameras.

Ppsu is a very safe material for baby bottles and is welcomed by many parents, but ppsu is expensive and not easy to buy, so many parents often buy it through the substitute channel, which is easy to buy fakes, and it's best to choose a regular buying channel to prevent buying fakes.