Huawei Bracelet B6 oximetry can not measure the value or the result is not allowed?

If there is an abnormality during the oximetry measurement, please follow these steps:

1. Wear the device correctly, with your arm flat, the screen of the device facing up, and the device fitting comfortably on your wrist (a little bit tighter), not on your wrist knuckles, and then start the oximetry measurement on the device, and keep your arm still during the whole measurement.

2. Ensure that the sensor on the back of the device is clean, dry, and free of foreign objects.

3, low-temperature environment (such as high altitude, winter outdoor and other low-temperature scenarios) can be removed from the wearable device, the wearer will wear the wearable device arm rubbing a few minutes, active arm blood circulation and then wear the wearable device measurement.

4, arm hair thick, tattoos and other factors affecting the measurement of oxygen saturation, wearing a wearing device, please avoid as far as possible.

5, in order to make the measurement results more accurate, it is recommended that you wear the device for 3-5min before measuring oxygen saturation.

Note: The bracelet is not a medical device. The test data and results are for reference only and are not intended for diagnostic or medical purposes.