Take a large-scale pig farm with 10,000 pigs per year as an example. Comparison of energy-environmental, energy-ecological and ecological breeding type 3 types of manure treatment mode economy. 3 modes are used dry manure process, the daily sewage volume of 100 m 3, COD 6000 ~ 8000 mg / l, BOD5 3500 ~ 4500 mg / l, suspended solids 3,000 ~ 4,000 mg / l, ammonia nitrogen 500 ~ 700 mg / l, energy-environmental type, Energy ecological type to GB 18596-2001 standards, investment and operating costs are shown in the following table:
Note: * pig farms own land is fully capable of consuming feces; ** pig farms do not have their own land to consume feces
Items Energy environmentally friendly energy ecological ecological type of breeding type of wastewater treatment investment (million yuan) 170 180 160 Annual power consumption ( kWh) 10,1470 3,285 4,745 Annual treatment operating costs (yuan) -11.17 -3.27 -2.32*/-182.32** Annual savings in fertilizer or planting revenue (yuan) 1.28/30.0 Annual biogas production (m3) 73,000 73,000 73,000 73,000 Biogas revenue (yuan) 5.84 5.84 5.84 Total annual revenue (yuan) ) 5.84 5.84 7.12/35.84 Annual profit (million yuan) -5.33 2.57 4.80/-146.48